Page 105 of All For You Duet

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But we fuck ourselves into oblivion, into where it doesn’t hurt us anymore. To where he’s holding me so tight, the torment wants to beat us but bound together; our bodies fight back.

We can do this.

Our love wages a war, unleashing the lust raging inside us, letting it win all until pleasure screams from my lungs with him inside me. His loud roar follows mine, filling me and every desperate need we have, and nothing can fight this.

It’s too savage.

It’s too beautiful.

It’s us.


Dear Candy Cade,

There’s a new freckle on your face.

It’s between your perfect eyebrow and your sexy hair.

Damn, I can watch you sleep beside me and never want to close my eyes.

I want to reach out and treasure every inch of you again. I can’t believe I’m here. That we’re back together. I thought I’d die before I saw this day and I almost did. It’s like you became a dream I couldn’t have anymore.

But now I’m wide awake with you.

It makes me want to wake you to be sure it’s real, but you look too peaceful beside me.

But I know what woke me. I hurt you, and you won’t admit it.

You groaned in your sleep when you moved in my arms, which stirred me. I feel guilty as hell. I was too rough with you. I can see the marks I left on your hips and your arms, holding you too tight because I never want to let you go again. I can’t imagine how sore your pussy must be.

I didn’t want to do it that way.

I’ve been dreaming about our first time back together for so long.

And it wasn’t like that.

Because that was the most primal fuck of my life.

I lost my mind inside you, Cade, and I didn’t want it back. I felt like an animal so desperate for you. Like I was trying to fuck away all our demons until only our heaven remained. To be so deep inside you, I wanted to find us again. I kept fucking you and searching, and I went crazy with how good you felt, with all I can feel with you now.

Damn, our sex is volcanic.

Like destruction and creation at the same time.

I fear it.

And I need it.

That’s why I stopped with you the other night. I’d licked off all the chocolate trails I swirled across your body. I sucked whipped cream off your clit and teased your pussy with a banana making you come twice. Then I licked you off again until your hips came off the table, and you begged me to fuck you with tears in your eyes.

It killed me to reject you, to break your heart.

I thought you were going to leave me. That my games of trying to satisfy us without fucking pushed you too far.

I couldn’t talk through the panic, through the fear that we were over. But you stayed for the shoot. And when I saw you in that outfit, I started sweating at the sight of you. I had to fight back my dick getting hard. The jealousy I felt knowing everyone would see you like that too. Fuck, I watched you at the party and fought to stay sane.

Cade, you’re gravity, and no one can resist you.
