Page 49 of All For You Duet

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It’s Memorial Day, and Coligny Beach looks like Times Square on the Atlantic.

But not even the bad memories or crowd can piss me off because I have a date. Well, it’s not a romantic one, but it’s the first time I’ve felt excited in two months.

Yep, two months and ten years, and I need to change; anything to move on from Redix.

Maybe I’ll take that Silas guy up on his offer. But I can’t make it obvious. He’s dad’s friend. I’ll wait until July, go to Daufuskie, and see what I can get on Gentry Evans. Going with a shirtless Silas? That’ll be a bonus to explore.

Or maybe my “no dating a guy I work with” rule is bullshit.

Maybe I should give Jameson a chance.

Shit, with the way he’s smiling at me now while my flip-flops dodge towels on the sand, headed his way? Some of our work crew is sprawled under beach tents, and yep, exceptions can be made.

I’ve never dated a man. Why not start with two? Silas and Jameson. Come on. That’d be a fair try.

Scratch that. Look at Jameson’s happy trail.

Make that a hot try.

I mean, Redix and I never dated. We were inevitable. There was no courtship, only pure combustion. Shards of him are still lodged in my heart. But they don’t hurt.

I’m such a liar.

“There she is, finally.” Jameson holds out my favorite beer. He already opened it for me.

“Sorry, y’all.” I yank off my tank and shorts and stuff them in my beach bag. “I had lunch with Mama. She got her lab results yesterday.”

“She’s okay?” Penny looks worried, sitting in her chair under the tent with Nina, her baby girl, asleep in her arms. “It’s not bad news again?”

“No, thank God.” I take the beer Jameson offers me and plop down beside him. “All’s looking good.”

“Speaking of looking good…” Jameson no longer annoys me. “Bryant, your body in that tiny, white bikini is a felony offense.”

“Annnnd…. here we go.” Penny laughs. “Who’s winning?”

“Me,” I reply. “I have twenty-six. Deputy Horny has twenty-four, and you’re behind at only fourteen.”

How many times can we turn law enforcement into sexual innuendo is our favorite drinking game.

I’m the champ.

“Oh yeah?” Penny kicks a little sand my way. “Breast milk would leak your intelligence too.”

“That’s fifteen now.” I’m glad Penny’s back. “Keep it coming.”

“That’s what he said,” Penny sings back.

Yep, we’re on a roll.

Jameson’s hand lightly brushes over my thigh while he reaches for the cooler, and…

It flips my stomach.

What the fuck?

Our flirting—it’s been a joke. Something to break the tension because I’m obsessed. Scanning through the files, searching databases, and online, I’ll do anything for the break we need.

Flirting with Jameson, I’m not trying to find love. I just want to find my smile again.
