Page 94 of All For You Duet

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Penny laughs. “Just remember, if he hurts you—”

“I know. I know. You’ll kill him first.”

By the time we land in New York, I might have a slight buzz. I change and refresh on the plane. I’m woozy as a chauffeur drives me to dinner. Redix is meeting me there. The maître d’ at Le Coucou combs his eyes from my heels to my black silk Gucci slip dress to find my soft smile. It hides my sudden nerves.

Do I fit in? It’s been ten years. For me and this dress. Isn’t it vintage by now?

I shouldn’t give a shit, but I’m back in old territory of the discerning eyes of SoHo nightlife.

The maître d’ winks.

“I’m a big fan. BOUND is still my fragrance.” I exhale… and want to hug him but just wink back. “Your date is waiting on you, ma’am. He wanted me to be very sure I called him that.”

I can’t help it; I’m laughing as I follow him to our table. When Redix stands to greet me in his black sharkskin two-piece suit with no shirt underneath in front of the entire restaurant, I relish it. Because under the warm glow of the enormous candelabras above, his eyes soften with his lips and the gentle kiss he gives me.

Enough to be discreet. Enough to declare it to the world.

We’re together.

“Damn, darlin’.” He pulls the chair out for me. “You’re ready for the runway again looking like that.”

No, I’m not. I don’t want that life. But I want this—a romantic dinner with him. Maybe… a new life too.

“I bet your parents are having a shit-fit that you’re up here with me again.”

He’s delighted by that concept before sipping his seltzer.

“They love you, and you eat it up. Hell, I think my dad loves you more than me.”

“That’s impossible. But he likes me more than he does you.”

“Shut up.”

I toss a little piece of my baguette at him with a smile. It’s probably true.

“You remember how he caught me stealing his expensive whiskey for us? I filled his bottles with tea like an idiot, like he wouldn’t taste it. He never did whoop my ass for that.”

“You got me there.”

“I should’ve known I had a problem then.”

“What? With whiskey?”

“No.” His bad-boy smirk tingles my thighs. “…with doing anything for you.”

I’m dazzled. Gazing back at him, I bite my lip and want to crawl across this table and kiss that adoring smirk off his face. But I don’t get the chance because a woman appears at our table instead.

“Redix! I want a selfie with you!”

Her lips keep moving after she barks. Yep, she’s had too much wine.

“Excuse me, ma’am.” Fury skyrockets through my veins. “We’re trying to enjoy our dinner. Alone.”

“Don’t be a bitch,” she slurs. “I just want him.”

A phone is in her hand. A fuck is in her eyes for Redix. And the dinner guests next to us are equally annoyed. The napkin in my lap lands on the table with my toss.

“You’ll get your selfie with him when you show me your invitation.”
