Page 55 of One Night

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Mason nodded—then shrugged. “I hate that Joseph will get away with this, but…”

“I understand.” And I totally did. Mason would be a basket case even though I would be by his side every hour we spent in the courtroom. “Come on.” I slid off the couch and tugged him up to his feet.

“Where are we going?”

“To eat the dinner I brought.”

“I’m not really that hungry.” Mason sounded exhausted. Hung out to dry and ready to call it quits for the night—exactly as I was.

I pulled out his chair and physically guided him to sit. “You need some food, baby.”

I divided the chicken ziti broccoli I hadn’t eaten after my lunch date with Troy. We each had a half piece of garlic bread too. A quick pop in the scrubbed-out microwave heated both plates to a more manageable temperature to force down.

Neither of us were in the mood to eat, but I’d spoken the truth. After the emotions of the day, we needed sustenance to keep clearer minds…and maybe energy should our night evolve into more than spilling and attempting to clean internal shit to the best of our abilities.

“Why are you okay with my history with Elite?” Mason asked quietly, his voice unsure.

I glanced up from my meal to find him studying me. “There have been dozens of people over the years—especially teenagers—who have come through Humanity House’s doors who’ve done the same as you. They didn’t have the controlled environment, the contracts, the reimbursement an Elite employee does, but I’ve witnessed the shame of sex workers before. I’ve seen the desperation that causes people to make the choices they do. You did what you had to at that moment in your life, Mason, and even if you’d done it for the money alone, I wouldn’t judge you.” I held his gaze, searching his face, hesitant but needing to broach one last topic.

Mason quitting Elite.

I’d wanted to save the conversation for a later date when I was more comfortable expressing verbally how I felt about him. We had shared dreams of a future but had yet to put a label on us as a couple or map out an agreed plan moving forward.

“I understand why you became an escort,” I stated with firm intent, “but I won’t condone your continuation in that line of work if we’re going to be together.”

His gaze flitted over my face, hope shining in eyes welling with tears. “You want me regardless of the mess I am? The drama I can’t seem to escape?”

“Ialwayswant you,” I murmured with a smile even though a part of me cried inside. I’d hoped to be comfortable enough, confident in Mason’s feelings for me, to eventually share my secrets with him. But what Joseph Delaney had done ruined that dream for good. “Every minute of the day.”

“Goddamnit, Jasper.” He chuckled, swiping his forearm over his face. “The things you say to me don’t even seem real.” He laughed again. “Yes—Yes, I’ll quit Elite because I want to be with you too.Onlyyou. I haven’t even thought of another man since the moment our gazes met.”

“So.” I reached across the table and threaded my fingers through his. “Boyfriends?”

“Yes, Jasper.” Mason’s eyes appeared more green than hazel from lingering moisture.

I lifted our hands and kissed his fingertips. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“I’ve already fallen,” Mason claimed, the energy between us intensifying, heating and coiling around my groin. “Can I show you how much?”

My dick swelled, and I nodded.

Cleaning up our dinner dishes could wait.

* * *

I didn’t want Mason on his knees in case his desire to show me his love came from a subconscious need to express to me how sorry he was. Yearning to solidify what I’d claimed deep in his soul drove me to action.

Rather than sitting on the couch and letting him blow me in an act of servitude I knew he’d been wanting, I led him back to his bedroom. We didn’t speak as we undressed, but with how our thoughts seemed intertwined, we moved together, peeling each other’s clothes off. Sharing kisses. Soft touches.

When he reached for my hard length, I stopped him. One day, I would allow him to pleasure me, to be the giver, but not now. Not when emotions still ran high, and I might be tempted to question his intentions.

“On the bed, baby.”

He obeyed without hesitation, so damn eager to please.

I guided him to lay down, taking the time to appreciate his body from forehead to toes. Every inch of him filled my senses—the warmth of his skin on mine, the taste of his soft lips, his groin, the tender backs of his knees.

His whimpers flooded my ears and made my balls tighten. His hole clenched at my probing tongue, and his sac firmed from my nuzzling.
