Page 442 of The Luna Duet

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Even with my intuition screaming and ears ringing, I didn’t believe it.

I couldn’t.

It just isn’t possible.

Surely, I’d feel different.

Feel his loss.

Feel an emptiness.

A howling, hollowing, cavernous vacuum.

“You’re lying,” I choked.

“I’m telling the truth,” Cem Kara hissed. “My son was stolen from me. He died when he was just eight months old, and whoever this man is, dead at my feet, he has finally been dealt with.”

I gasped.

I grunted.

I dropped to my knees. “You’re lying. You’re lying! He’s alive. He’s—”

“Gone.” A long-suffering sigh followed by, “Pleasure talking to you, daughter. Do what my son suggested, and don’t attempt to come here. You stay where you belong, and I’ll stay where I belong.” His tone softened. “My condolences. I know what it’s like to lose him, and it’s the worst pain imaginable. I’ll tell you what, if the pain becomes too much to bear, call me. I’ll keep this phone so you can reach me. After all, we are family now.”

“Stop,” I breathed. “Stop lying and—”

“He’s gone. I pulled the trigger myself.”

“He was in a crowd.”

“He was in an alley, courtesy of my men shepherding him to where I wanted.”

I cracked right down the middle.

A splitting. A ripping.

I can’t breathe...

“Goodbye, Nerida Taylor.”

The line went dead.

And for one terrible moment, I didn’t feel anything.

Not one blessed thing.

But then, it gathered.

It churned.

It built and built and spun and spun, and when it collided, I broke.


He’s dead.

He’s dead.
