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“Do not say anything that can be used against you. Rely on mental communication if you have a question.”

I crossed the room with determination, pulling open the door and closing it softly behind me. My bare feet made no sound on the plush carpeting in the hallway between the apartments. I’m sure they heard my approach, but when I pushed the door open, four sets of eyes all met mine at the same time.

I’d been prepared for Stefan’s fury. He was seething; infuriated that I hadn’t listened to him. He crossed his arms over this broad chest, the buttons of his blue button down shirt straining. His sea blue eyes were cold and glittered angrily as they seemed to hold me in place. Offering him a smile of apology, I tore my gaze away from him.

As I faced Amir and Nigel, they both appraised me. While Nigel’s eyes were filled with kindness and curiosity, Amir’s amber eyes were calculating and heavily guarded as he took in my changes.

I knew what he was looking for had nothing to do with my physical appearance. He was curious of my possible abilities and how it would benefit his plans for his new world order.

“Nigel. Amir.” I nodded to them both. Padding to stand at Stefan’s side, I managed a small smile. “You wanted to see me?”

Amir’s broad grin seemed forced, his white teeth shining against the ebony of his skin. A heavy eyebrow cocked and his eyes flickered between Stefan and myself. “You have made the immortal change. It was imperative you were assessed.”

“Assessed? Like a parcel of land?” I queried. I buried my hands in the back pockets of my jeans and rocked slowly on my heels. “Are you afraid I’ll expose the vampire world to the oblivious humans? I was already immortal before this and I managed to keep my mouth shut. Stefan is my maker, Amir. You don’t have to worry about me running out into the streets and draining all of New York dry. I saw my brother with no issue. And if I am tempted, Stefan can command me to stop.”

I was amazed at how easily the lie slipped from my lips. Stefan was my mate, but he wasn’t my maker. I wasn’t about to let Amir or Nigel in on that information. It was better for few to know of my makerless status.

Stefan’s shock registered in the bond, yet outwardly he nodded in agreement. “She is no danger. I give you my word.”

Amir sat down on the arm of an overstuffed chair. His crisp, black Italian suit gave him an air of authority over the rest of us in the room. His golden eyes never wavered from mine as his head turned to the side. He simply studied me, waiting for me to make the wrong move. He was ready to take over as self-appointed leader with an air of arrogance one would have after a well-executed coup.

Authority he didn’t have since he has no idea if Kian is even dead, I reminded myself. What if he knew?

“What can you do?” Amir asked, interrupting my inner musings. His strange, accentless voice broke through my thoughts.

Blinking in confusion, I looked at him through narrowed eyes. “Excuse me?”

He chuckled again and straightened his tie. “Your abilities?”

Ah, now we were getting somewhere. It was time for me to put on Stefan’s poker face. “I lost my psychic ability as I started to become more vampiric. My empathic talent is gone as well. I suppose it was only there while I was human.”

I shrugged and cleared my throat. Amir pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and was silent. My eyes shot between Stefan and Nigel standing behind them. They were both poised and tense, ready to spring if Amir made the wrong move.

Amir dropped his hand and I shifted my attention back to him. He heaved a sigh and stood, smoothing a hand over the front of his suit. “It is a pity. I would still like to offer you and Stefan a position on the Council. Stefan has been by proxy for many years. I would like to make it an official position. You are the daughter of Kian Ahearne, a rightful heir to a position. It is only fitting.”

I simply stared at Amir for a few moments. “Do we have a choice in this?” I sent to Stefan mentally.

“There is no refusing a Council position. You know this, vackra.”

“I’m not going to speak for Stefan, but I need time to think about this, Amir. I am only days old,” I attempted to stall, using my transition time as the little bit of leverage I had left.

Amir smiled, exposing every single white tooth in his infuriating grin. “Stefan has agreed already. You see, it is an honor to be chosen for the Council. You will make the rules for our world.”

I met Stefan’s gaze across the room. He nodded in acknowledgement, his blue eyes filled with helplessness. As I stood among the room of men, I felt as if Stefan and I were being dragged unwillingly into a tangled web we’d be lucky to escape from unscathed.

“Will I have a say in how things are decided? Or will I be there simply because of my bloodline and for show?” I asked boldly. I knew I was heading down a dangerous road by even verbalizing and questioning Amir, but there was no stopping me when I was on a roll.

“Of course you will have a say. We all will. It will be different this time.” Amir stated, extending his hands palm up as if to show his sincerity. “It is opportunity to change how our world is governed.”

Even as he spoke, I heard the insincerity in his words. Stefan had told me of how Amir wanted to run things. The Council would only be there for show.

“Then I guess I have no choice, do I?” I replied quietly. I started to turn away and stopped when my fingers touched the door. It was then I faced them all again. “There are things I need to attend to before I can devote my time to the Council. And Stefan is my mate and maker. I’ll need him to help me. If you offer me a position I can’t refuse, you must give me the time I need to settle my human affairs.”

Amir stood taller and inclined his head. “Of course. Take as much time as you need. If you need the Council’s assistance…”

“That won’t be necessary, Amir. But thank you,” I murmured, quickly cutting him off. “I will see you all soon.”

Opening the door, it was Amir’s voice that stopped me. “Just remember that you are needed here. Please do not linger in your travels.”
