Page 4 of Keeping Her Close

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The need to mark her and make her mine. To show her who she belongs to now. My wolf and my cock are begging for me to lose all control with her, but I manage to gather every single ounce of willpower to rein them both in. I need time to figure out what the fuck I am going to do here. Every single part of me wants to protect her from those that want her dead and take her home to Cherish Grove with me. The other part wants the money and satisfaction that comes with getting the job done.

I don't go far though, just far enough out of sight so that I can hide in the shadows and continue to watch her for just a while longer. I need to fulfill this hit while I still have the mindset to do so, and I'll just get it out of the way tonight. Watching from my location, I see her make her way over to the van that she calls home to grab some bags before shutting the door again. She walks across the street to the gym and I assume it's to shower. This is perfect because I could use a better look at the beauty that now consumes me from head to toe. Thanks to the big open bay windows of the gym, I see her disappear through a set of doors to the back of the building and I decide to follow before I can talk myself out of it. It may be a mistake to follow but I just can't help myself.

Sneaking into the gym, staying as quiet as possible, I lock the front door behind me to prevent an audience. I skirt around the big open main room and all the exercise equipment to the back of the building where I saw her disappear. Turns out the doors she went through are to the men's locker room. Not sure why she would have gone in there, but I don't have time to analyze that right now. I push open the door just slightly so that I can peer inside. I barely have the door cracked and I am met with the most amazing sight I have ever seen in my life.

There she is, on full display in front of a set of mirrors. Running her hands along her body, while watching herself in the reflection. The door's angle is just out of her eyeshot in the mirror, so while I can watch her, she can’t see me peeking through.

She is exquisite with all of her curves in just the right places. I can also see all her tattoos from this angle as they spread across her body. She has a huge piece that starts at her ankle, flows up her leg and around the curve of her hip up to her side where it stops as it hugs the side of her left breast. She has a few others that I can see but I keep eyeing that one. It is an intricate piece with flowers and vines, and right at her thigh, a huge wolf is stepping out of the flowers. It is a beautiful white wolf and it is perfectly done. Makes me wonder if that is her wolf or not.

As I am drinking her in, something shiny catches my eye. She has both of her nipples pierced. Just the thought of wrapping my lips around those pebbled nipples and pulling that bar through my teeth has my mouth watering, and my wolf needy. My cock has grown uncomfortably in my jeans again and is just begging for release, but I have to ignore it. I am here to get this job over with so that I can stop becoming more obsessed with her as each second passes and just get home already. But there is just something eating away inside of me. Begging me not to do it. But I can't afford to listen to it now. I am here for a reason and I will fulfill this job.

Watching her, lost in my thoughts, she does something I do not expect at all. She takes off a wig. I never in a million years would have thought that her long blonde hair was fake, but sure as shit it was. Underneath that wig is the most beautiful dark hair I have ever seen and there's this white streak at the front. I’m not sure if that was intentional or if it’s something that happens on its own. It is so unique as it stands out against the darkness of the rest of her hair, making her eyes pop even more. The need to run my fingers through those long luscious waves has my hands itching.

What I wouldn’t do to have that hair wrapped tightly around my fist as I bury myself deep inside of her.

Interrupting my train of thought, she makes her way over to the showers and I exhale a long and slow breath, withdrawing my knife from one of my boots. I really hate to be the one to remove this stunning goddess from this world but this world isn't fair and I'll just have to deal with the repercussions later.

As I enter the locker room, I make sure to lock the door behind me. Stopping by the benches where she left her things, I see a sexy, black thong laying on the pile of clothes she was wearing when she came in here. I grab them before making my way back to the showers. They aren't one communal room here like you see sometimes, thankfully. There are individual stalls but are separated by a low wall on two sides and a curtain for the door. I slide my way through the area, all the while keeping my eyes trained on her as she washes her body. Just as I enter the stall next to hers in a crouch, I am hit with the smell of vanilla and oranges. It takes over all my senses and I just stay in my position, letting the aroma imprint itself in my brain.

Just as I'm about to stand up, I hear a whimper come from the stall she's in. Slowly peeking underneath the low wall, I notice that she is leaning against the wall with her back to me. Taking the perfect opportunity, I slowly stand up, holding my knife in my hand ready to strike her. That’s when I see what has caused the whimper to escape her perfectly plump lips.

She has one hand dipped low between her thighs and one on her breast twirling that damn piercing of hers, head slightly thrown back in ecstasy. It takes everything in me not to claim her right here and right now, and my wolf is growling and whimpering in the back of my mind. Begging me not to hurt her.

Her breaths continue to pick up and her little moans get louder. Just before she reaches her destination, I stop her short. Reaching up, I wrap my hand around her beautiful unmarked neck and pull her head back. I lean forward, whispering in her ear, “My my, little pup. Aren't you a sight to see right now? On display for anyone to see, in a men's locker room no less. I don't think that I like that very much.”

She grabs my wrist, trying to break my hold on her throat, but I just squeeze it tighter. At this point, talking is going to be impossible for her. Which is fine because I don't want her words, I want her whimpers and her moans. Having her throat in my grip causes me to lose all control, and she's not going to like it when I do. I grab her panties out of my pocket before I let go of her.

I wrap the lacy thong around her head and use a hair tie I found on the floor to secure it over her eyes. Not the best blindfold I've put on someone, but it'll have to do for now. Then I remove my hand from her throat, just long enough to walk around into her stall. She's too stunned to try to remove it and stands frozen in the stream of water.

I am soaked in an instant, but I pay it no mind. My prey is all I see and the sheer fear I smell radiating off of her skin is enough to drive any hunter mad. I back her up against the back wall and cage her in.

“What makes you think it is a good idea to play with that pretty little pussy when you are being hunted?” I ask her, running my hand gently down the side of her face.

Her breathing starts to pick up again but this time it's not from pleasure, it's from fear. Fear that has both me and my wolf ravenous and dying to taste the sweet prey that we've just caught. She tries to rip the panties off her face so I grab her wrists in a bruising hold. Pushing them above her head, pinning them to the wall.

A thousand possibilities are likely to be running through her head right now. Why is she in this predicament again? Why didn't she see it coming? Honestly, I didn't see this happening either. I’m not usually one to play with my prey.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Momma Jo is going to have my ass when she finds out about this. I need to just get rid of her for good so I can move on. But I can’t. Not anymore. She is more than just some random prey that I usually deal with. This woman is taking over every thought and driving me to do things I wouldn’t normally do.

She still has yet to say anything to me. Her hair is plastered to the side of her face from the water cascading down both of our bodies. I take my knife and use the tip to slowly drag it down the side of her face to brush the hair back. Not enough to cause a lot of pain, but just enough to leave a scratch before nicking her jawline with its point. Leaning in close, I take a deep breath once again. The smell of her skin, her blood, and her fear is what does it for me. I lean back just enough to get the full view of this goddess in front of me.

Reaching up with the hand holding my knife, I rub my thumb across her jaw, collecting the blood that is still slowly trickling down her neck. Bringing it to my mouth, I savor the taste of her as it explodes across my tongue. A low growl escapes me as I slowly lick it clean, while my eyes continue to roam over every inch of her body. She shudders under the heat of my gaze even though she can't see me fully.

That subtle reaction was all I needed. The hitch in her breath, the tightening of her fists as they flex in my hands, and the not-so-subtle clench of her thighs tell me that she is no innocent girl. She may be scared right now, but she is also so turned on that her body is starting to betray her. She likes to play rough and there is nothing that will stop me now. Taking a deep breath, I confirm my suspicions.

I smirk at her as I drop the knife to the floor, adjusting my hold on her wrists. With my other hand planted firmly on her hip. Fingers digging into her soft curves, I lean in again and run my nose along her jawline up to her ear. Her chest rises and falls with each shaky breath. Her hips push into me, begging for more.

“Tsk Tsk. My little pup. You are a needy little thing aren't you, baby?” I whisper to her before leaning back to see if she's going to fight back yet. What I wouldn't do for a little resistance right now.

“I'm not your baby and I'm not your little pup. Let me go and maybe I'll let you live out your life,” she spits back at me.

“Well, now that is where you are wrong my little pup. You are mine. Only mine, and I do what I please with what belongs to me.”

With that, I press my entire body against hers just to prove a point. She gasps as she takes notice of my cock pressing into her lower stomach.

Taking my hand from her hip, I turn off the water and reach inside my jacket and grab the small amount of rope that I always carry, just in case I need it. In no time at all, I have her hands bound together and I loop them up and around the shower head above her. She's so short that being in this position has her on the tips of her toes and in the best position for me to fully see her. She tries to turn herself so that I can’t see her on full display, but she can't get the momentum she needs in this position.

Reaching around her struggling body to remove the makeshift blindfold, she tries to push away from my body pressed against hers. As soon as it slips free, she screams in frustration and glares at me. The fear has left her eyes as they glow a beautiful arctic blue, full of rage. Then the recognition hits of who her captor is and they shine brighter.

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