Page 5 of Keeping Her Close

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“Well, would you look at that,” I chuckle to myself, “you have a wolf hiding inside of you and you have done an amazing job at hiding her too. I couldn't smell her on you at all.” Little does she know, I was already aware of who and what she is.

She scoffs as she gathers herself. Holding her head high when she says, “Yeah, I did do an amazing job. Too bad for you though because the moment you release me from this wall, I will kill you for what you are doing to me.”

“Come on now, little pup, I just want to have a bit of fun with you. Aren’t you having fun? Because I know I am.” Bending over, I pick up my discarded hunting knife, giving it a little flip while I watch her seething against the wall.

Chapter four



I came in here to shower so that I could get some damn sleep, and this asshole follows me in here and stops me just before I am about to have an orgasm and be done. And now, he's got me strung up like a prized pig on this shower head.

Completely naked and having no way to cover myself up or fight back, my wolf is seething and just begging to be let out. It's about fucking time she makes herself known. I've missed having her as backup or even just when I've felt alone. Letting her out would get me out of this pretty easily, but a wolf leaving the bathroom would not go unnoticed and I do not need to bring unwanted attention to myself at all. So I just wait for him to decide what he plans to do with me.

He can't seriously want to leave me up here for good. Can he? I don't even know who the fuck this man is or what he wants from me.

“Come on now, little pup, I just want to have a bit of fun with you. Aren’t you having fun? Because I know I am.” he says with a smirk as he bends down to pick up the hunting knife he dropped earlier, flipping it in the air and catching it perfectly by the handle. He's skilled with the thing that's for sure, because I would have sliced my hand wide open with that wicked-looking thing.

Just then, he steps closer to me again and runs the back of his hand down the side of my face before wrapping his fingers around my neck. His mouth is inches from mine and I can almost taste the whiskey on his breath. I'm about to spit in his face when I feel the cold steel of his knife nick my thigh and drag slowly up my body, as it skims over the curve of my hip and stops just below my breast.

The small amount of sharp pain is enough to have my eyes rolling into the back of my head and a tiny moan escapes against my will. My reaction to the knife gliding along my skin has left a smirk on his face and his eyes darkening more and more with each passing second.

He must have cut deep enough to draw blood because I can feel liquid running down my body from right where the knife tracked, and I don’t think it's leftover water. He backs up just enough to look at his handiwork and lets out a low growl in response. When his eyes lift to mine again, all I see is pure unbridled lust and the need to take down his prey.

Looks like I am that prey.

“My pup loves her pleasure with a little bit of pain I see. What I wouldn't do to be able to bring you both right now,” he says as he watches the blood drip down my side following the shape of my hip.

“I will not answer that. You don't deserve an answer like that from me. I don't want either from you. You have me hanging in a gym locker room for fuck’s sake,” I spit while pulling on my ropes again. Hoping to get them to slip off the shower head so that at least I can try to fight this onslaught of conflicting emotions that are coursing through my body.

He just chuckles at my outburst, “Oh, pup, you think this is bad? You're lucky that I have some self-restraint today. But just know, that I can do to you what I want and there isn't a single thing that you will do about it. However this place is just too public and we only have about,” he pauses releasing my throat from his hold to get his phone out of his pocket, “Maybe forty-five minutes before someone tries to get into this place.”

I gape at him, my jaw dropping.

What the fuck does he think he is going to do in the next forty-five minutes that he hasn't already done to me?

I am livid and just want to leave so that I can go to bed and forget this nightmare of a night. Maybe I will just skip town this weekend after saving up all my tips and I won’t ever have to see this fucker again.

“So, pup, what do you think we can make happen in the next forty-five minutes? Because I for one have a few ideas that would have us both begging for more.” He says, sheathing his knife back inside his boot and takes his time standing back up. Looking over every inch of my exposed body as he does.

The chill in the air, and the heat from his gaze, make me shiver as I continue to hang here. My toes are going numb from trying to hold myself in this awkward position as the blood drains from them. Stepping closer to me, he runs his hands along both of my thighs, up over my hips before reaching around to palm my ass. He squeezes my cheeks a few times before gripping them tight and lifting me off the ground with ease and pushing me further against the wall. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his waist, which lines up my center with the bulging cock beneath his jeans. This simple action has me so turned on I can't stop the small whimper that escapes from between my lips.

What the hell is wrong with me? This shouldn’t turn me on, yet here I am. Ready to let this fucking stranger fuck me into the tile while I hang here.

He holds my ass in a painful grip while he grinds his cock against me more. The reaction he gets from me is surprising to both of us.

“If you want it so badly, why don't you just take it so you can go about your life?” I whisper to him, while the need to cum is starting to overwhelm me.

Part of me may just be okay if that happened. I never thought I'd say that to any man that had me in this predicament, but there is just something about him that has me wanting more.

No. It has me needing more.

His body slams into mine. One hand comes up to grip the back of my head by my hair. Drawing my face impossibly close to his he growls, “I don't want to just take this perfect pussy, my little pup. I want to devour it. Own it. Mark it. Destroy it. But. You will. Beg. For. It.” he says as he leans in and licks the side of my neck before releasing my hair.

“I have never begged a man to come and I will not be starting now. There isn't a damn thing you could do to me to make me beg someone like you.” I tell him matter of factly.

“Oh is that so, little pup?” he challenges. “I would sure love to test out that fact since you seem to believe your own words. I can make you beg for things you never thought possible.”
