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Chapter Eleven


Myhusband. I couldn’t believe I’d called him that. Sure, it was true, but it felt… heavy. Important. I mean, it was heavy, but it felt like it actually meant something. I looked around the office that smelled of sex, the papers on my desk damp and crumpled. My chest felt empty without him there. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone needed me, so I did my best to straighten up and make it look as if nothing had happened.

I took a seat in the chair and tidied the desk, staring at the invoices and receipts I’d left out, but I couldn’t concentrate at all. All I could think of was Cam—his lean back, muscles stretched as I fucked him, the sounds he made as I took control, and the scent of his skin, clean and musky. I’d come inside him with nothing between us. What had I been thinking? The truth was, I hadn’t been. I’d been overcome by my desire for him.

I sat there, running my hands through my hair and trying to get myself together. A light tapping at the door startled me out of my thoughts.


I looked up and spotted Jeremiah standing there. “Yeah?”

“Just wanted to see if you wanted to accept the meat delivery while you’re here, or if I should do it.” I didn’t miss the smirk on his face as he said “meat delivery.”

I cleared my throat, trying to focus and ignore his cocky smile. “You can handle it. I’m going to head home. I’ve got a few things to deal with. That okay?”

Jer nodded. “Sure thing, Chef.”

When I was alone again, I gave the office one last check—making sure it looked the same as I’d found it—and headed out. I still couldn’t believe I’d actually fucked Cam—and in my office, no less. I’d never had sex in the restaurant, not even with Shane. I had always been all business. I didn’t even allow goofing off anywhere in the building. Not only was it dangerous, it sent the wrong signal to both employees and customers. What had come over me?

I drove straight home. Tenderloin must have been wondering where I had been, that much I was sure of. I’d never left her alone for more than a workday and I’d been gone for well over twenty-four hours. As I drove, my mind reeled over how much my life had changed just since I’d gone out after work the night before. I’d gotten married to a stranger, for fuck’s sake. On top of that, I’d finally handed the reins to Jeremiah and took steps toward opening a second restaurant. Well, one step.

When I pulled into the driveway, I took a deep breath and let it out slowly before getting out of the car and going inside. Tenderloin came running as soon as I opened the door, her little paws pattering on the tile floor. She greeted me with a littlemrowand rubbed against my legs, weaving between them.

“Hey, sweet girl,” I murmured, bending down and stroking her head. “Miss me?” I followed her into the kitchen and checked to ensure her food and water bowls were full before I went to the living room and collapsed on the couch, Tenderloin happily crunching away on kibble in the kitchen.

Fatigue crashed into me. I’d slept poorly—drunk and in someone else’s bed—and I needed a nap like nobody’s business. No sooner had I put my feet up and stretched out than my phone rang. I answered it without checking the display, sure it was Grant.

“Hey, Grant. Tell me you have good news.”

The person on the other end laughed. “Nice try, but it’s your sister.”

Warm familiarity spread through me. I hadn’t spoken to her in a while, and I missed her. A second later, it hit me. “You’re pregnant,” I blurted.

She laughed again. “Mom couldn’t keep her mouth shut, huh?”

“Sorry.” I toyed absently with a loose thread on the blanket I kept on the couch.

“Figures. But that’s not why I’m calling, believe it or not.”

I sat up, dread weighing on my shoulders and my throat tightening. “No?” She couldn’t know, could she?

“Nope. I was calling aboutyournews, actually.”

I spoke cautiously, covering my face with the hand that wasn’t holding the phone. “What news?”

“Don’t play dumb with me. You know what I’m talking about. I saw it in the paper. Congratulations.”

My stomach roiled and a wave of nausea hit me. I hadn’t thought about how I was going to explain it to my family. I guess I’d hoped they wouldn’t find out. I’d forgotten how unrelenting paparazzi could be when they had a hunch and also how much my sister loved that stupid wannabe-news. “Thanks?”

“You don’t sound convinced. Is it because your marriage is on the front page of the entertainment section? Why didn’t you tell me you were dating someone, anyway?”

I cleared my throat a little. “I’m not. I mean, I wasn’t exactly dating him.”

“What are you talking about?”

I had to come clean. I took a deep breath and launched into the story, telling her everything. Well, noteverything—I left out the part about us having sex in the restaurant. Nikki listened quietly until I’d finished, and was silent for a few seconds after I stopped talking. “You there?”
