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I grimaced and sat up, pulling the duvet over my legs before running a hand through my still-damp hair. “I, um…”

“Did we—?” He gestured between us.

“Have sex? I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure we didn’t, at least.”

Cam exhaled sharply and nodded. “Good.” He pushed against the bed and sat up, pulling the sheet over his lap to conceal his morning erection, though it wasn’t particularly well hidden. I fiddled with the hem of the blanket while waiting for him to say something,anything. A moment passed before Cam narrowed his eyes at me. “Are youmarried?”

My eyebrows shot up. “What? No! At least, I don’t think I am.” He pointed at my hand, which is when I noticed a shiny gold ring on his left ring finger, a plain gold band that looked identical to mine.

He snatched my left hand up and frowned. “What’s this then?”

“I should ask you the same question.” I smirked and gestured to his ring.

Cam’s eyes widened and he inhaled sharply. “Oh shit.”

“Yeah, that about sums it up.”

He jumped out of bed and flicked on the light switch, buzzing around the room like a man possessed. He was clearly not nearly as hungover as I was and he was on a mission. I wasn’t about to get in his way or stop him. After rifling through his suitcase, which was splayed out on the floor, he shuffled through the things on the dresser, pushing the room key and whatever else this way and that.

His gaze landed on a folded piece of paper and he snatched it up. “Ah-ha.” When he unfolded the paper, a photo fell into his hand. As he read the document, his gaze flickered back and forth, color draining out of his face.


Cam handed the paper over to me. The top was clearly labeled: “State of Nevada, Marriage Certificate.” As I skimmed the page, it quickly became evident. I had married Cam Newton shortly before midnight and there was photo evidence that our officiant had been an Elvis impersonator.

“We’re married.” My tone was flat and Cam nodded.

“Looks like.”

With a sigh, I dropped the marriage certificate and the photo onto the bedspread and pinched the bridge of my nose. “For fuck’s sake.”

Cam sat heavily on the edge of the bed and picked up the certificate again. As he stared at it, my mind churned.

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to get divorced,” I said finally.

Chapter Six


“Divorced?”Iasked,myvoice coming out sounding like a squeak.

Oliver nodded as he pulled on his clothes. “Yeah. I have a buddy who’s an attorney. He’ll handle everything, don’t worry. Let’s just make this a clean break. No mess, no fuss.” He peered in the mirror and skillfully tousled his hair. “I just need your contact info so when Grant gets the paperwork drawn up, I’ll know where to send it.”

We hadn’t even been married twelve hours and Oliver was already talking about divorce. My mind raced.I know we barely know each other, but we had to have a reason to get married, right?“Wait.”

Oliver stopped what he was doing and looked at me. “Yes?”

My heart thudded. I knew I was taking a risk. “Maybe we don’t.”

“Don’t what? Wait? I can call Grant right now if that’s what you mean.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped to light up the screen.

I took a deep breath and a few steps to cross the room before putting a hand on Oliver’s. “No, I mean, maybe we don’t have to get divorced right away.”

He frowned. “What are you talking about? Of course we do.”

I took the phone from his hand and gently set it on the dresser. “I mean, we don’thaveto. Look, I know you’re probably not a romantic at heart like I am. I’m a huge marshmallow who believes in love. And I honestly believe that we wouldn’t have gotten married last night if there wasn’t something between us. A spark, something. I don’t know. I just don’t think we need to go get the courts involved just yet. Give us a chance to get to know each other first.Thenwe can decide whether we want to stay married.”

Oliver shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a great idea.”
