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I glanced at Parker. “It’s getting kind of late,” I murmured, picking up my phone to confirm the time.

Parker shrugged. “You don’t have to work tomorrow.”

“Yeah, but I’d hoped to check out some other venues on the way home. Mel gave us a list of places that could do walk-in tours.”

He nodded and glanced at Lyle before looking back at me. “Let’s take a little walk to talk it over and let our stomachs rest. It can’t hurt, right? Those other places can see us another day.”

I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He was right, of course. Not only did I not have to work the next day, but I was almost certain this was the right place. “Sure. That sounds great.”

Lyle nodded. “I’ll be back in thirty minutes and we can try some cake samples. The trails start just over there.” He pointed toward the tree line behind the barn.

Once he was gone, we got up and headed toward the trees, the opening for the trail wide and clearly marked. As we made our way into the forest, walking side-by-side in relative silence, the weight of the day settled on my shoulders. We were getting married. I liked Parker a lot, and the more time we spent together, the more I started really caring about him again. It terrified me.

“What’s your dream job?” Parker’s question startled me back into the moment, and I looked over at him.

“I have a great job.”

“But is it yourdreamjob?”

“I don’t remember really having a dream job, but I always wanted to work outdoors and maybe in conservation or education, and being a park ranger is a lot of that.”

He nodded and we carefully walked across a bridge that led us over a creek.

“Why? What about you? Is advertising your dream job?”

Parker laughed once. “Definitelynot. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t exactly grow up dreaming of working in an office trying to sell toilet paper and reusable notebooks.”

“That’s fair. If you could do anything, what would you do?”

“I don’t know. I’ll have to get back to you on that. I—” He pointed into some brush in the distance. “Look,” he whispered.

I followed his line of sight and spotted a deer and fawn munching on some leaves. “Wow.” We stood and watched for what felt like a long while before the mama deer popped her head up, noticed us, and she and the baby bounded off into the forest.

Parker turned to me and stepped close. “That was magical,” he murmured.

I nodded in agreement and ducked my head to look at my feet, my heart racing. No matter how many times he kissed me—and there had been many—it still felt like the first time, butterflies and all. He crowded my space and backed me up against a tree before he put his fingers under my chin and tipped my face up to his. Slowly, so slowly, he leaned in even closer and kissed me gently.

I exhaled slowly, a soft sigh through my nose, accompanied by a hum of pleasure. Parker continued to inch forward until his firm body pressed against the length of mine. He slotted a leg between mine, his thigh brushing my stiffening cock, and I groaned. Without a second thought, I moved slowly against him, rolling my hips. One of his hands slid along my side, fingers digging into my waist.

Parker pulled away just inches as his hands moved to my waistband. As he fumbled to unfasten my pants, I realized what was happening, and my stomach went cold. I wasn’t ready for that, definitely a few hundred yards from where people were waiting for us. I put my hands on his.


He must have heard the reluctant tone in my voice, and he looked up to meet my gaze. “Did I do something wrong?”

I shook my head. “It’s just…” I gestured toward the farm.

He nodded and stepped back, clearing his throat. “You’re right. We should probably get back, huh?” His voice was a little hoarse and he looked away from me while I put myself back together.

“Yeah, I think that’s a good idea.” But as he pulled away from me, every cell in my body screamed for him to come back.

“Don’t want to keep Lyle waiting.” He murmured before he started walking.

I put a hand on his shoulder. “You okay?”

Parker stopped and turned to me, his gaze meeting mine, his tone sincere. “Yeah. I got ahead of myself and I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t cross a line or anything.”

I shook my head and offered him a smile. “It’s fine, really.”

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