Page 59 of Simply Irresistible

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"That's nice, but not what I meant by a kiss."

"Next time, you need to be clearer, Mister Brown. You said kiss, and I kissed you."

I lower my head and lift her chin with my fingers until our mouths are inches apart.

"Oh, you want clarity. Let me show you what I meant." I'm ready to span the last inches between us when—

"Are we going?"

Startled by the sound of Charlotte's voice, I stand up straight, and for the first time, I'm out of words. Shit, I forgot Charlotte was here. Emma giggles at the sight of me being caught off guard by a six-year-old. She turns towards Smarty, whose face is beaming with anticipation.

"Have you got that list, Char?"

Right away, Charlotte's eyes shift to her mom as she waves her list in the air. "Yes, I've got it. Can we go?"

"Are you wearing shoes?"


"Then, if Nick is ready, we can go."

Charlotte gets back in the car, and Emma turns back to me.

"You still owe me a kiss, Miss Campbell," I say while brushing a hand over her forearm.

She chuckles and hands me her backpack. "Later, Mister Brown."

When she gets to the door of the passenger side, she turns and gives me a charming smile. With my eyes, I send her a message that promises her we will continue this.

"Giant? Mom? Are you two coming? I'm waiting."

I let out a heartfelt laugh, hearing that impatient voice of Smarty as I walk to the car. "I guess I've got to get a raincheck. We have more urgent things to attend to than my raging hormones."

When we're both in our seats, I grab her hand and place another kiss on the back. "Let's go have fun." And with that, we leave.

During the car ride, Charlotte talks about her list of animals, and by the time we arrive at the entrance gate, she's one bomb of energy. The moment we're inside, she grabs Emma's and my hand, and we let her take us to the animals on her list. For three full hours, we're going from one place to another. We stop by every animal house and read the information board, explaining everything from their habits to how they live. Charlotte's eyes are sparkling like diamonds, and there's a constant smile on her face.

At each animal, I ask her questions about it, and her inquisitive mind enjoys the challenge. Charlotte and I imitate the animals' sound and Emma judges, whose imitation is the best. I can say with all honesty that I've never laughed so hard in my life. Emma laughs hard when I imitate a gorilla, pounding my chest and jumping up and down. With her hand on her stomach, her entire body shakes with laughter.

"God, Nick, stop. I will pee my pants."

I make my way towards her and pound my chest one more time, and whisper in her ear, "You're mine later, Angel."

The laughter stops, and when her eyes dart up, they're full of eagerness.

"Giant, I see the bears," Charlotte says, pointing to another exhibit. Emma and I stop our moment and make our way to the bears. As we arrive, I see a drink stand. "Anyone thirsty?" I ask.

"Yes," Charlotte says. "But there's a long line."

Emma's eyes shift to the stand and back to Charlotte and me. "Why don't you two go to the bears, and I'll stand in line for drinks?"

"Yes, thank you, Mommy."

I give her a small kiss on the side of her lips, and her breathing becomes more substantial.

"Come on, Giant," Charlotte says while pulling on my arm.

I chuckle and give Emma a wink. "See you later." As I walk with Charlotte to the bear exhibit, I notice that the tiredness from this morning has disappeared completely, and instead, I'm full of energy. As I lower my gaze and take in the sight of her hand in mine, pride fills me. Her enthusiasm and the trust she has in me are heart warming. Spending the day with them makes me happy, and I know that no business deal in the world could match the joyful and rewarding feelings these two girls give me.
