Page 64 of Simply Irresistible

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Charlotte looks at him as she thinks over his words.

"Yes, today. I was hungry, but I didn't want to stop, so I ignored it."

Nick's face beams hearing that answer. "Your mom did the same. Only her body ran too low on sugar, and she fainted. It's a way of your body telling you that you need to eat."

"So when she eats, she will be fine?"

"Yes, I believe so," Nick answers.

"Ah, you're sitting up again. You startled us for a moment," the server standing next to our table says. "Here you go. I think this will do you good." She settles a cheeseburger menu in front of me and a plate with a dark chocolate muffin next to it. "Your daughter said you liked muffins, so that's on the house. It's a quick way of getting your sugar levels up. I'll be right back with the other plates."

Charlotte grabs some fries and places them in front of my lips. "Eat, Mommy."

I smile at her sweet but still slightly worried voice. I grab it and place it in my mouth. As I begin to chew and the salt hits my taste buds, I let out a low moan. God, this is what I needed. I'm so hungry. Charlotte giggles. She takes another one.

"Mommy likes them. She made the funny sound again. Did you hear it, Giant?"

I turn and notice Nick is staring at me.

"Yes, I heard that. Let me try it." He bends his head forward and takes a bite of the fries in my hand. A smirky smile covers his lips.

"Yes, she's right. They're amazing," he says as he sits back. The server returns with the other plates and puts them in front of Charlotte and Nick.

"Enjoy your meal, and if you need anything, let me know." Her gaze holds mine for a moment, and I give her a half-smile.

"Thank you," I say, and she nods and walks away.

We eat in silence until Nick sits up straight and holds his drink up in the air. Charlotte and I both glance up at him. His eyes dart between us while his lips show a charismatic grin. "I wanted to thank you two ladies for this wonderful day."

I grab my glass and hold it up next to his as a tender, joyful sensation spreads through my body.

"And to many more," I say.

Charlotte's face is glowing as she raises her cup and bends forward so it's next to mine and Nick’s. "To millions more CEN days," she gushes.

Both Nick and I gaze at her with question marks. "What's CEN?" he asks.

Charlotte's eyes sparkle as she explains, "The first letters of our names, silly. Charlotte, Emma, and Nick days."

We laugh out loud, and it's a sound that fills me with joy. As we continue our dinner, I observe Nick, who's looking at my girl with a loving smile. I grab his hand, and as he glances at me before planting a lingering kiss on my temple. The warm breath on my skin sends pleasant shivers down my spine.

"I'm sorry for the panic attack," I whisper.

Nick nuzzles my cheek. "Don't worry about that, Angel. We'll talk about it when you're ready."

He gives me another peck on my cheek, and I gaze up at him as he returns to his dinner. God, he's an amazing man.

After finishing my plate, I sit back with my hands on my belly.

"I'm stuffed. There is no room for that," I say, pointing to the double chocolate muffin. "If I take another bite, I might explode."

"Can I eat it?" Charlotte asks.

I nod, and as she grabs it and takes a bite, the server stops next to us and beams.

"Nothing better than the sight of a happy family with filled bellies. Are you enjoying the muffin, darling?"

Charlotte swallows a piece. "My moms are better."
