Page 70 of Simply Irresistible

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Chapter 13

My lips curl into a smile, seeing Nick lying next to me. His body radiates warmth, making me want to wrap myself around him and stay here for the rest of the day.

I stare at the relaxed features of his handsome face, and happiness bounces through my body. His messy hair makes me want to run my hands through it. As my mind travels to last night, my eyes move over his exposed chest. In his presence, my mind goes places it has never been. I think of the precious words we said to each other.

He loves me!

I never thought it would be possible. I get out of bed, walk to my closet, grab my favorite jeans, and throw on a simple purple spaghetti top. When I catch sight of the yogi man in front of the door, I snicker.

A few minutes later, after brushing my teeth, I'm standing in the kitchen looking into my garden when I hear a bedroom door open and the sound of bare feet walking through the hallway.

I turn around as Charlotte runs into the kitchen, still wearing Nick's shirt. "Good morning, cupcake. Did you sleep well?" I ask while hugging her.

"Yes, I've never slept this long," she says, pointing to the clock on the wall that strikes 8:30 before skip-hopping to the table. She climbs on a chair and dangles her little feet back and forward.

"Giant is a good story reader," she says with a smile. "Not as good as Bella. Bella is still the best. Is Giant coming back soon, Mom? I liked our trip to the zoo."

I grab the bowl of grapes standing on the counter and make my way over to my girl. When I sit next to her, I place the bowl between us. Charlotte grabs a few grapes and eats.

"Sweetie, do you remember falling asleep last night?"

Her eyes go up as she's thinking. "No. I remember sitting next to Giant while he read me a story."

"You both fell asleep while he was reading you a story."

"Really? I don't remember."

"I found you two asleep, and when Nick woke up, he was so tired I told him he could stay here."

It takes a few moments for Charlotte to digest all the information.

"So, he's still here?"

I nod, and before I realize what she's doing, she jumps off her chair and runs out of the kitchen.

"Charlotte? Where are you going?"

I get up and run after her. When I see she's running to my bedroom, I try to stop her. But it's too late. She opens the door, walks in, and jumps on the bed next to Nick.

"Giant!" Nick's eyes fly open when Charlotte jumps upon the mattrass, yelling his name. She giggles, seeing Nick's bewildered face.

"Well, good morning to you too, Smarty."

She inspects him, and when the covers slide and his boxers show, I exhale.

Thank God.

She points at his chest. "You have the same muscles as Superman."

Nick bursts out in laughter, and when he places one arm in front of his face, his chest is on full display. It's a drool-worthy moment. When he sees me gawking while standing at the door, his gaze travels over my body, and a familiar throb snakes between my thighs.

"Mommy said you and I fell asleep on my bed?"

He grins and faces her. "That's right," he says, while tapping her little nose.

"Did you and Mommy sleep in the same bed?"

"Yes, we did."
