Page 84 of Simply Irresistible

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Chapter 15

As we make our way to Nick's parents, my mind keeps going in circles. What if we don't click? What if Charlotte doesn't like them? What if I don't like them? The sudden touch of warm skin on mine pops me out of my inner whirlwind of thoughts.

"Relax, Em.”

“Wh-what?” I jerk my head towards him.

“You've been drumming on the cookie box since we left," he says with a sweet smile painted on his face.

Nodding, I bite on my bottom lip and focus my attention on the world outside to keep my head from overthinking. Unlike me, Charlotte, who's sitting in the backseat, is a bundle of excitement. "What are the names of your parents? Can I go to your old bedroom? Do they have a garden? Are we almost there?"

"Honey, if you stop asking all those questions and wait for Nick to answer them, you’d know a lot more than you do now." I peek through the back mirror and meet Charlotte's eyes and give her a little wink.

"Okay. Here are the answers." Nick chuckles. "My mother's name is Martha, and my father's name is John. We'll be there in ten minutes, and if you want, I'll give you a tour through the house."

My girl grins from ear to ear and stops her questions, but the enthusiasm radiating from her is palpable as she looks out the window.

Ten minutes later, when we pull over in front of a gorgeous suburban home, she removes her seatbelt and jumps out of the car. "Wow!" she exclaims.

I step out and take in the house and its surroundings. It’s a mid-century modern contemporary home nestled in a peaceful, rustic setting. There are trees and grass all around it and several flower gardens on the sides of the path that lead to the main entrance. Roses, lilies, lavender, and other colorful plants. The white and blue-gray colors of the residence are beautiful as well. God, this place oozes tranquility.

"I understand why you like it here," I mumble, intertwining my fingers with his.

"Yeah, it isn't big, but it's home to me. This is where I come when I need peace." His long legs travel and stop when they're next to me.

"Can I ring the bell?" Charlotte asks.

"No need," he says as he points to the side of the house. "We'll go to the back and walk in through the back door."

"Cool. Do your parents know we're coming?" she continues her query while skip hopping in front of us.

"Yes, they know."

When Nick opens the backdoor, the odor of vanilla and cinnamon greets us, and it reduces my anxiety levels. A short woman stands with her back to us, but the moment he calls out to her, she turns.

"Nick, sweetheart," she says as she moves our way with a bright smile. Her summer blue eyes are vivid and friendly. She's wearing a simple black button-up shirt and jeans. And when she is near us, her arms go wide. Nick grins and he lets go of my hand for a moment and leans in to give his mom a big hug.

"Hey, Mom."

It's such a sweet sight to see the love between them. It's honest and pure. After he kisses her on the cheek, he grabs my hand again, and her gaze settles on my girl.

"And you must be the lovely Charlotte," she says with the same warm, motherly smile she gave Nick a second ago.

"You told them about me, Giant?" she asks while looking at him, beaming.

"Of course, I did."

Charlotte hops to the front and gives Martha a hand. "Hello. Giant doesn't look like you," she says while letting her eyes dart between Martha and Nick.

Martha lets out a snicker.

"He has the same hair color, but your eye color is different, and he's much taller than you," she points out.

"That's because he looks more like me," a man's voice announces.

I'm stunned. The resemblance between Nick and his father is striking. They're both about the same height, Nick a few inches taller. His father's hair is trimmed shorter, but their eyes are definitely the same. They have that characteristic spark and warm, dark-chocolate color.

He approaches us and stops beside Martha, kissing her on her temple. When he smiles at her, little wrinkles appear next to his eyes. The love between them is undeniable.
