Page 88 of Simply Irresistible

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"Yes, Charlotte has adored Nick from the moment she met him. And it scared me a bit because, what if we don't work out? It will break her..."

Martha squeezes my hand. "You can't protect your children from experiencing physical or emotional pain all their lives, Emma. Trust me, I've tried and failed. The most important thing you can do for them is to love them and be happy. When they pick up on your happiness, they will aim for that later in their own life."

Her words flow out like a river, and I'm taking it in. These are the moments I've dreamed about having with my mother.

"Learning how to deal with pain and sadness is more important than sheltering and shielding them from it. Let them realize parents are nothing more than human beings who make mistakes and encounter times of trial, error, happiness, and sadness. It's about how you deal with these most important times. You're their example. Do the best you can. If Nick is what makes you happy, enjoy it. There are no guarantees in life, Emma. Sometimes you just have to follow your gut and have faith."

I squeeze Martha's hand. "Thank you."

"No need, honey. What do you say we find out where they are?"

I return her smile, and we get up and make our way through the house in search of the others. We find them in Nick’s old bedroom. He is explaining and showing his former bo staff, and Charlotte is watching, hanging on every word he says.

"Can you teach me that? I want to learn how to do that; it's so cool," Charlotte gushes while making funny moves.

"You should ask him to take you to my gym so he can give you and other children a demonstration," John tells her.

Nick lets out a huff and cocks his brow up to his father.

Charlotte, who is now nothing but a bouncing ball of excitement, jumps to him "Will you do that? I, really, really want that. Please?" she says, batting her lashes at him. He sends me a pleading glare.

I shrug. "It's your decision."

He stares at my cupcake. "Okay."

"Promise?" she says.

"Yeah, I promise. I'll make time to take you to the gym."

John holds out his hand, and he and Charlotte share a high five. "Well done." Then throws his head back and laughs when he sees his son shake his head. "Every time I try to get him into the gym, he says no or cancels. So this was a method I had to try. And boy, did it work out well," he says with a bright smile towards Charlotte, who returns it.

"She's a genuine lady. She knows how to wrap a man around her finger in a second."

"Come on, Charlotte, let's go outside and show us how you can climb in the treehouse by yourself."

She runs out of the room, followed by Martha and John. As I’m about to go after them, Nick grabs my wrist and stops me. closing the door while sending me a boyish grin.

"What are you doing?"

"You don't expect me to let you leave my old bedroom without giving me a chance to make out with my girl, do you?"

I pretend to be checking out the space. "So, this is the room and the bed where you had all your naughty thoughts and fantasies?"

Two arms find their way around my waist, and I can’t help but enjoy the shiver of pleasure running down my spine when his hands slide under my shirt.

"Oh, yes, but those were fantasies. With you, I can make them a reality, and make little Nick happy."

Turningus around, he leads me backward until I'm pressed against the door. A smirk stretches his lips as he bends and nibbles on my earlobe, his lower body pressed hard against me. I wiggle one hand between our bodies and cup his confined cock in my palm.

"There’s no little Nick present."

"Thank you for noticing, Angel," he says with a cocky smile.

I slap his shoulder. "Your ego is getting out of hand, Nickolas Brown."

As his full name rolls from my tongue, his eyes hold mine captive.

"Fuck, that sounds," he rasps, pressing my body even firmer against the wood.“Say it again.”
