Page 118 of Beyond Friendship

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“In total control, huh?” Cole whispers.

“Didn’t he say he would stay calm and collected?” Nick adds, smirking.

I shoot them both a glare to let them know what I think of their comments. But they’re right: I’m anything but calm and collected right now.

I’m overwhelmed with anticipation as the tent flap opens, and Charlotte and Liam come down the aisle in a riot of flower petals. Liam is flipping his basket upside down and letting the blossoms pile up on the ground.

“Liam! You’re doing it wrong,” Charlotte mutters. “Auntie Amanda won’t give you cake if you make a mess.”

He only shrugs, picking up what his sister drops and stuffing it back into his basket—which earns him a round of laughter from our guests.

Then, one by one, the girls step into the tent looking radiant. When the music changes to a beautiful, melodic tune, my heart pounds in my chest as a vision of elegance and style makes her way to me on her father’s arm. The blush-colored lace dress fits her body like a second skin, complementing her skin tone and making her brown irises look like pools of molten warmth. She’s absolutely stunning—like a goddess in full bloom. I let out an awed sigh before taking her hand in mine and placing a kiss on the back.

“You look breathtaking, Brownie.”

Her eyes glitter, and her beaming smile provokes a torrent of passionate desire in me. I can’t wait to have her alone.

As we listen to the minister speaking, I feel a wave of gratitude as the delicate scent of my mother’s perfume caresses me—a sign that they are here, witnessing their son marry the woman of his dreams.

When the minister asks for the rings, Charlotte comes bounding up to us and hands us our rings before returning to her seat.

“Brian and Amanda, you both have made your vows. So, Brian, you may now go first.”

I take Amanda’s hands in mine.

“Some people say that love gives them wings, but you, my sweet Amanda, you ground me. You’re my foundation. From the first time we met, you had an incredible impact on me. My mom once said, there will be dozens of girls who will take your breath away, but the one who reminds you to breathe is the one you should keep. You do both for me—you’re my rock and my love all at once. Even in my darkest moments, you are my beacon of light, inspiring me and reminding me when to take a step back and catch my breath.”

I move closer, and her eyes widen with anticipation as I place her hand on my chest. “You’ve taught me what it means to love, and now I vow to be your loyal knight and Prince Charming from this day forward.”

I turn to the minister, take the ring, and place it at the tip of Amanda’s finger.

“This ring is my precious gift to you, as a sign that from this day forward, my love will surround and encircle you.”

Amanda’s soft eyes pierce mine, and her clear voice floats straight into my soul.

“The first time I saw you in that bar, my heart whispered, ‘he’s the one.’ And even though our relationship started off rocky, my intuition was right. You are my million dreams and prayers come true. You acknowledge my strengths and accept my flaws. You see and nurture all that is me, but,” she says, placing her hand back on my chest, “the absolute best part about you is your kind heart. Despite all that life put in front of you, you faced it and dealt with it in ways that made me love and respect you even more. From this day forward, I promise to always love you and never leave. This, my almost-husband, is the start of our eternal relationship: an eternity of kisses, rom-com movie nights, love, and being inseparable,” she says as she slides the ring onto the tip of my finger.

“This ring is a token of my endless and abiding love. Just as this circle is without end, my love for you is eternal.”

The minister speaks his words of blessing as we gaze into each other’s eyes. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Brian, you may kiss your bride.”

Without wasting a split second, I move closer and cup her face in my hands. Her bright beaming eyes sparkle as I give her my Fox smile and whisper.

“You’re mine now, Goddess.”

The instant my mouth connects with hers, a sense of coming home washes over me, and when she brushes her tongue over my lips, a surge of intense, irresistible desire erupts from within.

“Hello, husband,” she murmurs against my lips.

“Hi there, my gorgeous wife. I can’t wait until I can do naughty, delicious things to you.”

We both turn to the onlookers, who are clapping and hollering and heading in our direction.

The day passesin a whirlwind of activities. After a photoshoot in the park where I used to go with my parents, dinner was prepared by my Six-Pack’s kitchen staff. Now everyone is dancing, talking, and having the time of their lives on the dance floor of my very own business; my dream come true. A live band plays music for us and a DJ will take over later.

“Welcome to married life,” my two best friends say as they join me at the bar.

“This is amazing. Look at my folks.” Nick points out as Martha and John move along to the beats. “Even they are joining in the fun before returning home to watch their grandkids.”
