Page 119 of Beyond Friendship

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My gaze shifts to the beauty I married a few hours ago. She’s laughing and dancing with her best friends, her loose brown hair swaying with her movements.

“Excuse me,” I say as I make my way over to her. “I have to dance with my wife.”

“Great idea. Show her your Foxy dance moves,” Cole jokes.

I stop by the band and ask them to play a special song.

As I walk up to Amanda, my eyes can’t help but drink in her show-stopping outfit. She had changed into a dress that was sure to make all the husbands in the room jealous. The silky, form-fitting garment shows off her curves and has a deep plunging back line.

“Mrs. Fox, it’s time for our dance,” I say when I reach her. She looks up at me and places her hand in mine.

“Our dance?” she asks, raising an eyebrow.

At that moment, the lead singer of the band announces us.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please clear a space for the bride and groom to have their first dance together as husband and wife.”

Our guests form a circle around us. When the music begins, I can see tears in Amanda’s eyes as she recognizes the song we both fell in love with when we heard it on the radio. I take her into my arms and sway to the music while looking into her eyes.

“I love you, Brownie,” I whisper.

“You better or else I’m going to sit your bare butt on a cactus!” she teases.

God, she is my perfect match. One of my hands slides around her waist while the other grazes her bottom as I murmur into her ear, “Let’s make beautiful Fox family memories and love each other for the rest of our lives.”

“Only if you promise to always add some of your Foxy charm to the mix,” she replies with a coy smile.

“What do I get in return?”

A sly smile appears on her lips. “If you do, I’ll be yours for life and promise to keep surprising you with new lingerie sets each time a new shipment arrives.”

“Deal, Amanda Fox; you belong to me for eternity.”

Our lips connect and my once so fearful heart bursts into a song of love as contentment and serenity settle into my core.

I have found where I belong, a joy that I never thought I would be lucky enough to experience. Guess miracles do come true, and I will cherish this one for the rest of my life.

— END —
