Page 54 of Beyond Friendship

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“Then why do you keep flirting with me and looking at me like you’re doing now?” Her words strike deep, hitting the mark of my conscience.

I force myself to meet her gaze, my heart aching with the need for honesty, even as fear grips me tightly. But before I can find the right words, she speaks, her voice strong despite the underlying emotion.

“Well, it seems I’m the fool once again. And you know what, Brian?” Her voice trembles with a mix of frustration and resignation. “I’m done waiting for you. If you’re not willing to try, I’m going to look for it in someone else. I’m tired of hoping for something that clearly will never happen.”

Her words hit me like a blow to the chest, my muscles tensing, and my heart pounding in my ears as I watch her leave. I can’t let her go like this, not without a fight.

Without hesitation, my feet propel me forward, urging me to chase after her. I catch up to her just outside the dressing room, my hand grasping her arm firmly, spinning her around to face me. Our eyes lock, and the silence is thick with unspoken words, swirling like smoke around us.

“Brian, please,” she says, her voice trembling with a mix of vulnerability and defiance. “Let me go.”

I know that if I release her now, I’ll lose her forever. The thought tears at my soul. Taking a deep breath, I speak, my voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry.”

A solitary tear escapes her eye, her pain mirrored in the depth of my own. I press my forehead against hers, my hands cradling her face, my thumbs brushing gently against her soft skin.

“I’ve only been keeping away for your sake, Amanda.”

Her voice trembles as she whispers, “What do you mean?”

“I can’t give you what you want and deserve.”

She steps back, and her eyes blaze with a combination of courage and agony. “You never asked me what I want, Brian. Since the day we met, six years ago, you’ve been calling the shots and pushing us in the friend zone. Not me. And I’m done with it. You keep saying we can’t be together, but then you look at me in a certain way and get jealous when I date other guys. That hurts, Brian. Do you even really want me, or is this just a game you like to play with my heart?”

A wave of emotions crashes over me as her words ignite the powder keg inside my chest. My breaths become quick pants before I explode. “A game? You think I’m playing a game?” I roar, no longer able to contain the force of it all. “Of course I’m not playing a fucking game with you. I’ve wanted you from the day we met, and I want you every fucking time I see you, Amanda Brown.”

Her dark chocolate eyes shimmer with tears. “Then explain why you keep fighting against it.”

After a deep breath, the words rush out.

“I’m a man who might never be able to give you the future you deserve, Brownie. My heart is a fragile bomb, and being with me is like having a ticking time bomb under your pillow, ready to explode at any minute. Is that what you want? An uncertain life, living in fear? Just like my mom, who lives with the constant dread of me sharing my dad’s fate. My father’s death changed my mother forever and I won’t do that to you, Amanda.”

To my surprise, the pain I thought would consume me is replaced with an odd sense of serenity now that I let out this deep truth.

I feel her presence on my skin before her delicate fingers intertwine with mine.

“I understand that it’s a risk,” she breathes, her words charged with emotion, “but I want to take that chance.”

Our eyes meet and our gazes lock in a collective understanding.

“What do you mean by taking a chance?” I ask, needing to make sure I’ve understood her words correctly.

She steps forward and a tender smile lights up her face as she looks at me with an insatiable desire before sliding her arms around my neck and pulling me into her embrace. “It means, let’s investigate this connection we have together.”

With that said, our lips meet in the gentlest of kisses, and the world around me fades away into the background as I sink into the bliss of feeling her mouth against mine.Divine. Better than any of the fantasies and daydreams I had about kissing her. My arms wrap around her waist and I deepen the kiss. She draws me in with a passionate response, and it feels like I’ve entered an oasis of perfect stillness. A place where all my worries evaporate. And as I’m pulled deeper into the moment, I wish I could stay here forever, cocooned in this beautiful embrace. Her kiss is like a promise that here in this moment, nothing else matters but us. And for the first time, I believe it. Right now there is no fear, just her and me, and it feels so damn right.

She steps away, lowering her arms to her sides, and I take a moment to admire her long brown hair, her lush eyelashes and lips so full—she is pure sin, and I want to devour her whole.

“Take me to your place.”

I pause. “Are you sure?”

Her slight nod and smoldering gaze intensify my rising hunger for her. “Yes. I’ve waited six years. I want you... even if it turns out to be for one night.”

Her words ignite a fire within me, silencing any contradictory thoughts. I pull her close and as I place a kiss on her forehead, a feeling of rightness flows over me.

As we walk to my car, she speaks again.

“But what about mine?”
