Page 55 of Beyond Friendship

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“We’ll pick it up tomorrow.” After opening the door, she gets in the passenger seat, and I grab her seat belt. “You can’t escape now,” I tease with a smile. She reacts by planting a peck on my cheek and looking at me with a mischievous glint that sets my body ablaze with need.

We ride home, the radio playing in the background, but I increase the volume when “Take You Dancing” blares out from the speakers. She grins at me as I lip-sync the lyrics before shaking my brows in time with the beat. Her joyous laughter echoes throughout the car and fills me with delight; I could listen to that sound forever.

As soon as I park in the driveway, I step out into the cool night air. The wind caresses my cheeks as I walk to the other side to open her door.

“Brownie?” I say, holding my hand out to her.

Possessing a gaze that could hypnotize, she takes it. The warmth and softness of her hand in mine fill me with a sensation of rightness. As if it’s meant to be there. Once inside my house, my heart palpitates in my chest.What is wrong with me? I’m never this nervous around a woman.

A finger grazes my cheek, cutting into my train of thought.

“Everything all right?” she murmurs, her voice like a soft whisper against my skin. I drink in her beauty, which causes me to pour out all the thoughts I kept to myself for years.

“God, your beauty leaves me breathless every time I see you, Brownie.”

She smiles. “And your smooth words turn me on.”

We move closer, lips almost touching.

“I can’t believe we are finally here,” she whispers, her breath fanning my skin. “Me neither, but there is nowhere else I’d rather be than here with you.”

“Stop the smooth talk, Mister Fox, and kiss me.”

A symphony of lust and hunger detonates the moment our mouths meet. Her touch is like torture, and when a sexy moan escapes her lips, I scoop her up into my arms and walk up the stairs.

“Brian, your arm.”

Grinning, I press a peck to her lips. “Doc said I could start resistance training again and you’re the perfect weight.”

She laughs and brings her mouth to mine again. “In that case,” she breathes, hovering her lips inches from mine, “bring me to your bathroom. I’m in for a hot shower.”

“Your wish is my command tonight, Goddess.”

Her eyes gleam with delight at the nickname I gave her six years ago, and my cock throbs in anticipation at the thought of having her wet, naked body in my shower. With long, hurried strides, I take us up the stairs and I know—tonight will be an evening I’ll never forget.



I’m certain of nothing else in my life. This—his arms around me and his lips on mine—it just feels right. Every contour of his strong body molded to my soft curves, his strength and warmth all-consuming. I never want this moment to end, his divine lips so soft and firm and tasting of blissful promises.

When he finally voiced his emotions and the truth as to why he’s been ignoring our chemistry all these years, a weight lifted off my chest while my heart flooded with sympathy for the deep fear of not wanting to hurt me.

This only shows what a sensitive, considerate man lies beneath the playboy shell. A man who deeply cares for the well-being of others and tends to deny himself things in hopes it will prevent others from pain.

But now the waiting is over and I don’t have to worry about waking up and finding this has all been just a dream. No, this is real. And I’m going to enjoy it.

My fingers play with the strands of his hair as he carries me up the stairs. No other man has ever stirred my soul like Brian Fox does. When he stops in the bathroom, I peel my lips from his.

“Wait right here. I’m going to turn the water on,” he says as I glide down his body.

The instant my feet touch the gray tiles, an unexpected thought crosses my mind.What if he’s the type who doesn’t like oral sex?I shudder at the memory of Steven uttering such blasphemy and rub my now sweaty palms over my dress.

“Amanda?” Brian takes hold of my hands and brushes his thumbs over the back. “What’s causing that deep frown, Brownie?”

Hearing that sweet nickname, coupled with the sincere care in his eyes, causes me to develop a sudden case of verbal diarrhea.

“Please tell me you like oral sex? I mean, give oral sex.” I pull my hands from his and press them against my now burning cheeks.Why did I blurt that out?
