Page 63 of Beyond Friendship

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I swallow hard, the weight of my guilt crushing down on me like a ton of bricks. “I never wanted to admit these feelings for her, Nick. With my health condition and our friendship. I breathe out heavily and shrug. “I tried, man, I tried so hard to only think of her as a friend, but I can’t anymore. She means too much to me.”

Nick’s expression softens slightly and he takes a step closer, searching my face for sincerity. “I want to believe you,” he says, doubt still lacing his voice, “but—”

“Yeah,” I cut him off with a bitter laugh. “My track record with women isn’t reassuring, but this time is different—she’s different.”

I can feel the weight of Nick’s concern and protectiveness hovering in the air between us. We’ve been through thick and thin, stood up for each other countless times, and now I’ve put our friendship at risk by falling for his sister. It’s a precarious situation, and we both know it.

“I get it, Nick,” I say, my voice laced with determination. “I understand your worries, and I won’t deny that things can get messy. But you have to trust me. My intentions toward Amanda are pure and sincere. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

Nick’s gaze softens as he listens to my words. “You know I only want the best for my sister. And I won’t stand by and watch her get hurt.”

“I know, man,” I reply, meeting his eyes. “And I promise you, I’ll do everything in my power to protect her and make her happy. I won’t let her down.”

Nick sighs, his shoulders relaxing a fraction. “You better not, Brian. Because if you break her heart, I won’t hesitate to break more than just your nose.”

I chuckle, a mixture of nerves and relief bubbling up within me. “Well, I hope it doesn’t come to that. I value my nose, you know.”

Nick shakes his head, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Don’t make me regret this, man. I’ve got my eye on you.”

“Fair enough,” I say, extending my hand toward him. “I appreciate your concern. And I promise I won’t take this lightly.”

He grips my hand tight and we silently acknowledge our understanding that our friendship is strong and can withstand the possible storm of romance.

Nick looks at his watch then back at me. “Gotta go. Emma’s waiting. I just came over to clear this up.”

“You can trust me. I won’t do anything to hurt Amanda, Nick.”

He claps my shoulder, a gentle mixture of caution and trust in his eyes. “You better not. Catch ya later, Fox.” As Nick walks away, his warning lingers in my mind like an echo. I can’t help but replay our conversation over and over again, dissecting every word and analyzing every expression. The weight of his concern weighs heavily on my conscience, and I find myself questioning my own intentions.

Nick is the kind of friend who would take a bullet for you without a second thought. And now, I’ve placed him in a precarious position by falling for his sister. I can’t shake off the internal conflict that gnaws at me.

I find a quiet spot away from the bustling crowd and sink onto a nearby bench, trying to calm the rapid beating of my heart while Nick’s words reverberate in my mind. “I won’t let her become just another one of your flings.” His protectiveness for Amanda is undeniable, and it’s justified. He knows my history, my reputation as a womanizer. But here’s the thing: Amanda is different. She’s not just another conquest, another name on the list. She challenges me, makes me laugh, and understands me in a way no one else ever has. It’s a feeling I can’t ignore, no matter how hard I try.

I can still taste the sweetness of her lips on mine, feel the warmth of her body against mine. The memory sends shivers down my spine, and I can’t help but smile at the thought. But beneath the surface of that blissful memory, doubt creeps in. Doubt that I could be the one to hurt her, to let her down.

I pull out my phone and scroll through the messages Amanda and I have exchanged this past week. Each word, each emoji, is a testament to the connection we share. The conversations are filled with laughter, vulnerability, and genuine understanding. Our connection is real, something worth fighting for. And yet, the fear lingers. Fear that my heart condition will push her away, that my flawed past will taint our future. Fear that I’ll lose both the woman I’ve fallen for and the friend who has been my rock.

I take a deep breath, steeling myself for what lies ahead. I refuse to let fear dictate my actions. I won’t allow doubt to sabotage what could be the most meaningful relationship of my life.

As I pocket my phone and rise from the bench, determination courses through my veins. I’ll prove to Nick that my feelings for Amanda are genuine. I’ll show him that I’m willing to fight for her, to protect her, and to cherish her with every fiber of my being. With newfound resolve, I rejoin the vibrant crowd, only to hear…

“Hello, handsome.”

I glance sideways to see a gorgeous brunette saunter up to me. Her lips unnaturally full as she attempts to give me a seductive smile. “Evening,” I say, firmly stepping away from her.

“Oh, so formal and correct. I love it!” she purrs, reaching into my personal space again. When I take a step back, she licks her lips and says, “And a challenge, exactly how I like it.”

I put up a hand to stop her. “Not interested. I have a girlfriend,” I state firmly. “Now move on, or I’ll have security escort you out.”

She plants her hands on her hips and snaps, “And who do you think you are, God?”

“Not God, but I do own this place,” I reply with amusement. “If you want to enjoy yourself, then you’ll have to find someone else. I’m taken.”

After a few blinks, she moves on, pouting, and I can’t help but laugh at the situation. “Cole was right,” I muse to myself, shaking my head in amusement. “I am maturing.”

“Girlfriend, huh?”

I spin around, a jolt of surprise coursing through me as Amanda appears two feet away. She’s dressed in a figure-hugging scarlet dress that radiates warmth and confidence. My gaze is drawn to her wide Cheshire cat grin, and I feel my heart galloping in my chest.
