Page 64 of Beyond Friendship

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She steps closer, electricity crackling between us like it did the night we first gave in to our desires. I can almost feel the tumult of emotions swirling around us, a dizzying combination of excitement and uncertainty.

My lips curve into an answering smile. “Hey.”

Amanda smirks, her voice tinged with mischief. “Tell me, who’s the lucky girl who made you say no to all those willing ladies? I’d love to meet her.”

I chuckle hearing her teasing tone—I get why. I’ve never been one to dive into relationships headfirst, so me using the girlfriend card to get rid of a woman is new. Well, tonight when I said it I had Amanda in mind and it felt right. Surprised by my own thoughts, once again I ask myself while looking at her.Am I ready to take things to the next level so soon?Last week I asked her if we could take things day by day, and now here I am, seeing her after a week, and all I want is for everyone to know that this beauty is mine. The idea sounds right in my head—and my heart couldn’t agree more. And after the talk with Nick, my feelings for this woman have become crystal clear. So I take a step closer and say in a meaningful but playful manner.

“You’ll love her, she’s amazing. I sent her something special today, but I don’t know if she received it?”

Her smile grows brighter. “Well, isn’t that interesting. Funny enough, a delivery man came by Venus today with stunning roses and brownies.”

Ignoring the stares of passersby, I pull Amanda into me and press my face into the curve of her neck, inhaling her unique scent with each breath I take. Before I can stop myself, my heart speaks through my lips, “God, I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too,” she replies with a sigh, her hands making circles on my chest. “And thank you. Those roses were beautiful, Brian.”

Just the sound of my name rolling off her tongue ignites shivers through my veins. My palms rest on her hips and when I tilt my head back slightly to gauge into her pretty brown irises, that ever-present desire for her grows stronger. A primal urge to take her by the waist and have her pinned against the wall in my office is strong, but I quell the craving and listen to the rational part of me and ask, “What’s been going on today? How has your week been?”

“Absolute mayhem. Like I said on the phone, it feels like every woman in Boston has come by to buy lingerie this week.”

“That’s great.” I smile. “I saw the article in the paper. It was a raving review, so no wonder you’re doing so well.”

She looks pleased with herself. “I never expected this level of reaction to it, but I’m grateful all the same.”

“Well, you did all the hard work, so you deserve nothing less.” Our eyes lock before she tiptoes up and plants a lingering kiss on my mouth.

She pulls away with a whisper. “Thank you for saying that. It means a lot hearing it from you.”

The corners of my mouth sink slightly. “Why?”

“Most men I’ve dated say they admire an ambitious woman. But when I’m around their friends, they expect me to keep quiet about my success.”

I chuckle, shaking my head. “You’ve been dating some real idiots, Brownie.”

“Yeah, I’m starting to see that.”

She steps back and as she swings her hips in time with the music, every guy within proximity swivels their necks to gawk at her.

My fists clench as a wave of possessiveness sweeps through me. I step toward her. “Easy there. You’re drawing attention, Miss Brown.”

My heart races as she grins mischievously before tugging on my dress shirt and pulling us closer together.

“Only need and want yours,” she whispers in my ear before pressing her body firmly against me, every inch of skin screaming for more.

My breath catches in my throat and an uncontrollable longing roars inside of me, begging to be released.

Our lips touch in a gentle kiss before parting, yet staying connected by our eyes. Her tongue teasingly caresses her upper lip, which further ignites the fire burning inside of me.

“Brownie,” I groan, trying to maintain my composure, “I’m working.”

“I know. I can wait,” she says with a sultry smile before tracing a finger down to my groin.

“Oops...” She pretends innocence, but those devilish eyes give away her naughty thoughts. An animalistic growl escapes from my lips as I grasp onto her hips before lifting her over my shoulder.

“Brian,” she gasps, surprised as people part like the seas, allowing us through as we make our way toward my office, with Darius watching us with an approving smirk.

Once in my headquarter, I set her down, and she looks at me with a stern expression that can’t quite hide her amusement.

“Please don’t do that again,” she warns, but I can tell she’s enjoying this little game of ours.
