Page 75 of Beyond Friendship

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She raises a brow and chuckles. “Are you sure? You used to run and hide behind me, too shy to talk to him.”

“Hey.” He feigns offense while defending his younger self. “The man had a glass eye that freaked me out.”

They both erupt into laughter before Vera lovingly takes Brian’s face in her hands and beams at him. “You take care now. And don’t forget to bring your girlfriend over for dinner soon.” Turning to me, her face radiates warmth and love. “Thank you for making my boy smile like he’s doing right now.”

With that, we all grab our coats and head out the door. Once Brian’s mom walks off, giving us a last wave, we get back into the car.

“You’ve got the sweetest and funniest mom ever,” I say while putting on my seat belt.

Brian’s smile widens. “I know. She’s the best.”

“It’s sweet to see how close you two are.”

He nods. “She’s my everything. She always pushed me to chase my dreams and is my biggest supporter.”

“Thank you for bringing me to meet her,” I say.

As we drive on our way back home, past a bright yellow fast-food joint that’s advertising burgers, my mouth waters.

“Let’s get one,” I exclaim, barely able to contain my excitement.

Brian laughs, shaking his head playfully in mock exasperation. “All right, all right,” he says as he pulls into the drive-through.

We go through the menu and when we pull up to the drive-through window, Brian looks at me with a mischievous glint in his eye.

“Two burgers, please,” he says with a sly smirk. “But don’t go easy on the condiments. We want every single topping you have.”

The worker at the window chuckles and looks at us. “Really? You two sure know how to live it up.”

Brian grins back. “It’s just part of our lifestyle.”

I reach into my pocket to grab my wallet, but before I can pull it out, Brian is already handing over his card. He winks at me and gives a cocky grin as if saying ‘I got this.’

I roll my eyes but don’t argue with him as I turn away to look out the window.

Moments later, we’re handed two piping hot burgers with an insane number of condiments tucked inside them. We laugh at the ridiculousness of our orders. I watch as Brian takes an enormous bite out of his burger and sauce oozes out onto his lap.

“Yup, definitely getting a bib for next time,” I quip.

He flashes a sly grin back at me. “Hey, the sauce is part of my outfit.”

By the time we’re finished, we wipe our greasy hands off on a napkin.

“Let’s get home so I can change before heading to Six-Pack,” he says.

As we continue our way home, I glance over at him and remind myself yet again how lucky I feel to have this sexy man at my side. He’s by far the best boyfriend I’ve ever had. He makes me laugh until my sides ache, supports and listens to my ideas, and gives valuable feedback, never complaining when our schedules don’t line up, and last but not least, looks panty-wetting good in a pair of jeans that’s got a big sauce stain on it. But not telling him that.

As Brian ascends the steps to change his pants, I straighten up the kitchen—a habit passed down by my mother. A little while later, two arms encircle me from behind, and warm lips graze the nape of my neck.

“I love seeing you relaxed in my house,” he whispers.

A smile spread across my face as I pivot around to meet him. “It’s easy when your home is so welcoming.”

Brian stares at me while taking both of my hands in his own. His voice quivers as he says, “It may not be the perfect time or place, and I might not get it right, but I have to get something off my chest.”

A wave of curiosity washes over me, urging me to speak. “Just tell me what’s on your mind.”

He clears his throat. “I enjoy every moment we’re together… You make me happy.”
