Page 76 of Beyond Friendship

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His words touch me on a deep level. “Thank you. You make me happy too.”

He shakes his head. “Fuck, that’s not how I meant for it to come out.”

He mutters something under his breath—a nervous tic reminiscent of Nick’s habit of ruffling through his hair—then locks eyes with me once again. His vulnerability trembles before me, causing my chest to constrict as I take a deep breath and ask softly, “What did you mean to say, Brian?”

Brian takes a deep breath and looks down at our intertwined hands before meeting my gaze once more. “I can’t find the words to express how special you are to me… Never felt this deeply for another woman like I do for you, Amanda.”

My throat tightens and I draw closer, laying my head on his chest. His familiar scent envelops me with warmth and security as he tenderly kisses my forehead before moving down to capture my lips with an electric touch that sets every nerve alight. Our hands roam over each other’s bodies as if they know no other home, deepening this connection even further until we both pull away, panting heavily.

“I usually don’t mind going to work, but now I’d rather stay here with you—take a shower together, have you in my bed, eat your pussy and then cuddle up…”

I chuckle and gaze into those eyes that never fail to make me melt.

“What if I get some clothes and come back here?” I suggest, tracing circles on his arm with my fingertips. “That way, you can cuddle up with me in bed when you get home from Six-Pack and I can leave for work from here in the morning.”

He leans down and presses his lips to mine, tenderly caressing my cheek. “I love the idea of going to bed with you and seeing your face when waking up,” he murmurs against my lips. My skin tingles as butterflies swarm in my stomach. All too soon, he pulls away and leaves for the door, but not before stealing one final peck and saying with a mischievous grin, “See and feel you tonight, Brownie.”

My head swirls as I lean against the counter, taking in the moment he said he’s falling for me. The man who ran from relationships is now sharing his soul freely with me. Years of waiting and hoping have brought me to this yummy place. Joyous euphoria overtakes me while I dance around the kitchen, but a sudden image of him lying in bed lifelessly cuts off my happy feet. His mother’s words surge forward.Even though our life and love together on this earth were limited, it was worth it.And being with Brian and loving him is worth every second of uncertainty.



Quality time with family and friends is something I deeply cherish—they are my rock when I’m lost in tumultuous seas. I’ve been fortunate enough to have had a charmed life, nurtured by loving parents who remain madly in love and an older brother who is not only my sibling but also my best friend. As I survey the group sitting around the table in Nick and Emma’s place, I acknowledge that most of them are now couples. First, we have Cole and Alisha sitting side by side. Alisha murmurs something to her husband, whose face goes from serious to amused. Cole has always been the most sober out of the three amigos; his towering presence and broody demeanor tend to intimidate people. Add on the formidable wall of muscles he has, and you have what Alisha often jokingly calls him, Thor, minus the hammer. They are a sight to see together. Alisha with her killer outfits and heels. Don’t know how she does it, but she makes being pregnant with twins and wearing heels look easy. She’s just entering the third trimester of her pregnancy and looking fabulous.

My gaze drifts to Emma as she extends a delectable portion of her homemade cake to Nick. The admiration flooding from my brother’s expression is palpable, and my heart fills with warmth knowing this kind-hearted woman is his wife.

I grin at Liam, my little nephew, who sits at a table next to ours, covered with paper and stuffed with art supplies, cheerily smudging crayons on a sheet of paper.

And last but not least, the only single friend in our group is Bella, who controls her pencil with expertise as she explains to the excited Charlotte the art of drawing faces.

“Amanda, I’m going to draw you,” Charlotte says, halting near the table with a twinkling smile.

“Can’t wait,” I enthuse, blowing her an air kiss.

“Hey, why not me?” Nick asks his daughter, giving her his most charming smile.

“Dad,” she drawls, unimpressed, “Auntie Amanda is much prettier to draw—you’ve got too much hair on your face.”

Brian grins. “Don’t ya like your dad’s beard, Charlotte?”

Charlotte shrugs. “It’s too tickly,” she says with a deadpan expression.

“I’m sure your mama loves feeling those hairs on her—What?” Brian says, faking innocence after I pressed my elbow into his side.

“I wanted to say cheek.” Brian winks at Emma, whose face burns at his words.

“Mom, do you want a beard like Daddy?” Charlotte questions with a disgusted face. Her query leads to a roar of laughter from us all.

Brian gently ruffles Charlotte’s hair before tickling her cheek with a mischievous grin, eliciting more giggles from her before she runs to join Liam’s creative activities. He’s brilliant with kids. I twist my head to connect with his gaze and can’t help the smile that spreads across my face as he runs his fingers over my back before settling his arm on the back of my chair.

At the sound of whistling and the words, “They are hungry, for more than food,” I glance around and find my friends looking at us with amusement.

Alisha leans forward, her eyes sparking with mischief. “Yeah, Brian is ready to eat his Brownie,” she teases, smirk widening.

“Where is Uncle Brian’s Brownie?” Charlotte says, looking at Brian’s plate.

Nick groans. “Please don’t answer.”
