Page 28 of So Alone

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She reddened slightly, hoping he didn’t notice. “What is it?” she asked.

“Who is it,” Tom corrected. “Jedson Franks. Junkyard owner, 5437 Bolton Street.”

“That’s in the industrial park,” Michael said.

“Yep. Near where Gigi Demetrious was found. Let’s see, he has… wow. Eleven dogs in total, some Rottweilers, some Pit Bulls, some German Shepherds.”

“That sounds like our guy,” Michael said.

“Well, it sounds like someone with the skills and experience to be our guy,” Faith clarified. “Let’s not assume guilt until we investigate a little.”

“I’m so glad you took me literally,” Michael said drily, “because I was being one hundred percent literal when I said that.”

Faith ignored him and told Tom. “You want in on this one?”

Tom shook his head. “Nah, probably better for you to do it. If he sees a deputy sheriff, he might get spooked.”

“Fair enough,” Faith said. “Let’s go get him.”

She called Turk, and the three agents left for 5437 Bolton Street.

“You’re going to bring Turk in with us?” Michael asked.

“Yeah,” Faith replied, “Why not?”

“You’re not afraid he’ll get hurt?”

“I doubt it,” Faith said, “He’s tough as nails, and he’s had training. He was in the Marine Corps once, a few years after me.”

Michael pursed his lips and looked away. Faith smiled. "He'll be okay, I promise. So will I, too, if that matters at all to you.”

Michael lifted a hand and waggled it back and forth. “Meh.”

Faith rolled her eyes, but she was grinning as she headed to the car. She knew that it was just as likely this first suspect wasn’t their guy as it was that he turned out to be the very murderer she was looking for, but it was exciting to finally be chasing a real lead.

They reached the junkyard just before midmorning. The business showed no sign of activity despite the sign that hung in the window that clearly read open.

They entered the office, but it was empty. Jedson Franks had disappeared somewhere.

Faith and Michael pushed to the back of the house. When they reached the back door, they found it ajar.

Michael and Faith drew their sidearms and cautiously navigated the yard. This would be a perfect place for a dog ambush. He probably picked the other warehouse because that one had a similar layout to his.

Turk’s ears flattened the moment he saw the open door, and as they rounded a corner, he barked suddenly, stiffening and growling and staring—teeth-bared—at the twisted hulks of old cars.

“What is it, Turk?” Faith asked tensely. “What do you see?”

A moment later, she saw it when a dozen burly dogs leaped after them from behind different scrap piles. Faith didn't waste any time. She turned and ran, Michael behind her and Turk in between them and the other dogs.

The dogs flanked them on either side, running easily, keeping pace but not outstripping them. She caught glimpses of their spiked collars and ivory-white fangs. They were big dogs, but she couldn't tell the breed since they kept running behind piles of scrap and the mangled remains of cars and other vehicles.

One of the dogs ventured close to Faith’s left side. Turk sprinted forward and snapped at the dog’s leg. It leapt out of the way just before Turk could maul it.

Another dog tried the same on the other side, and once more, Turk leapt to their defense. The dogs continued to probe, not converging for an attack but keeping the fleeing agents headed in one direction.

Faith saw the gate they had entered and turned toward it. Immediately, three of the dogs ran in front of the gate, standing their ground with teeth bared. Faith pivoted, and her left leg slid out from underneath her. She nearly fell, and for a terrifying moment, one of the dogs rushed her.

Turk moved in a blur of fang and fur. He hit the guard dog from the side, and the burly Doberman landed sprawling on its side. Turk leaped at it again, but the two other dogs came to the aid of their companion and forced Turk to back down.
