Page 10 of Boyfriend for Hire

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“No, we’re good.”

She closed the door and left them alone.

In the silence, Montez stared at Desiree with nothing but pure hostility, barely restraining himself from grabbing and shaking her. For a whole month, he’d wondered what he’d done wrong, having flashbacks to his high school days when girls dissed him because he didn’t look right or have any game. No date to the prom. No date ever. Rejection after rejection until he no longer asked because his self-esteem couldn’t take another beating. Then she had the nerve to waltz into this office and try to hire a man athiscompany.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Desiree love-’em-and-leave-’em Hagan. Good to see you again.”

“Look, I didn’t—”

“Please, have a seat.” Montez gestured to the chair on the opposite side of the table.

She snapped her mouth shut and walked her sexy ass over to the chair in a tailored blue dress that popped against her dark skin. A simple and sophisticated design with a skinny belt around her waist. She wore her hair in the same style as the night she danced on his dick, moaning and panting as if he’d delivered on his promise to give her the best she’d ever had—before she slipped away the next morning without a word.

Desiree sat in the chair, and he sat too, purposely not saying another word until she spoke.

She cleared her throat. “I didn’t know you worked here.”

“This is my family business. The one I told you about.”


“Is my brother. He couldn’t make this meeting and arranged for me to take his place.” Montez snapped open the yellow folder with more force than necessary. “He explained your situation, and unfortunately, we’re all booked up at the moment and don’t have anyone available to escort you on Friday. Maybe if you hadn’t waited until the last second…” He let the accusation trail off.

“Now wait a damn minute, I—”

“Tell me what you’re looking for, and we can get you entered in the system should you need an escort for future events.”

“You don’t haveanyoneavailable?” she asked, sounding distraught.

“No one.”

Her brow puckered in consternation, and she took a deep breath as if reining in her temper. “Well… I don’t know that I’ll need anyone after Friday, but if I do, he needs to have a good sense of humor, be a good dresser, and it would be great if he knows a little about golf because that topic comes up quite a bit. My boss loves the sport and is constantly trying to improve his game. He has to be comfortable in social situations and able to discuss a myriad of topics.”

“Anything else?” Montez stared at her.

She glanced at the pen that remained on the desk. “Shouldn’t you be taking notes?”

“I have a good memory. Proceed.” He wasn’t writing a single word because no way was he letting her hire someone at their company. He crossed his arms over his chest.

She dipped her gaze and paused for a moment as if distracted by the movement. Then she continued. “Well, handsome would be a plus, but it’s not necessary. That’s really all.”

“You know what, on second thought, I don’t think we’ll have anyone who fits what you’re looking for. My advice is to go elsewhere. I’m sorry you wasted your time coming here.”

Her nostrils flared, and her eyes flashed with anger. Excitement sparked in his blood at the flare of emotion.

Desiree fixed a tight smile on her face and took a deep breath, her lovely breasts rising and falling beneath the tailored dress.

“There has to be a solution,” she said, speaking slowly and at an even level. “Your company comes highly recommended.”

“Because we provide a great service and make sure all our clients are happy. I wish we could satisfy everyone, but that’s just not possible.” He stood.

Desiree gazed up at him. “That’s it?”

“I’m afraid so. I’ll escort you out.”

Montez walked around the desk, and she hopped to her feet.

“I came here because I need help. You don’t have any backup men anywhere?”
