Page 9 of Boyfriend for Hire

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He rapped on the doorframe to get her attention, and her face broke into a smile.

“Hi, Montez. How can I help you?”

“Devonte called and needs me to meet with a client because he can’t make it back on time for his appointment. The client is Ms. Hagan, and the appointment is at two.”

Her eyes lit up in acknowledgment. “I know who that is. One minute.”

She went to the file cabinet and pulled out a yellow folder, the color indicating a potential client. “Here you go. All her information is in there. She’s not in the system yet, so you can have her fill out the forms in this folder or online, and we’ll get her set up. She can take her picture today if she’s ready. Too bad we don’t have someone for her right now, but we should be able to get an escort for her if she needs our help in the future.”

“I’ll be sure to tell her that. Thanks,” Montez said, flipping open the folder.

He took two steps toward the door and then came to an abrupt halt when he saw the customer’s name. Desiree Hagan.Desiree. Seeing that name after what happened a month ago caused a maelstrom of emotions to whirl through his body.

“Is something wrong?” Genevieve asked.

“No, I noticed the name and thought…”

She frowned. “Do you know her?”

“The first name reminds me of someone I know, but I doubt this is the same woman. There must be thousands of Desirees in Atlanta.”

Genevieve placed a hand on her hip. “You only got her first name?” she asked with meaning.

He laughed and closed the folder. “There you go, starting shit again.”

“I know you, Montez. You’re a heartbreaker.”

“Not me. I’m the one who used to get my heart broken, remember? Now I know the rules of the game, that doesn’t happen anymore.”

“I can’t wait to meet the woman who knocks you on your ass,” she said, with pursed lips.

“Never gonna happen,” he responded with a laugh while backing out of her office.

Walking down the hall to the conference room, he reflected on how he’d screwed up in the past. Women didn’t want men who cared and were attentive. They said they did, but were attracted to the exact opposite.

He got the message loud and clear in high school when girls called him “too nice.” Didn’t help that he looked like a Goonies reject. So he became the opposite in college. He didn’t call when he said he would and pretended to forget important dates though he remembered. Women then blew up his phone and showed up at his apartment unannounced, which resulted in some of the best angry sex of his life. They couldn’t leave him alone.

He strolled down the hallway to the empty office they used to meet privately with potential customers. Small and simply designed, it contained one large window that looked out over the city, a guest chair, and an L-shaped desk that he sat behind as he perused the paperwork.

There wasn’t much to read since Desiree wasn’t officially a client yet, but he did experience an uneasy feeling during the review. She was a vice president of marketing, single, and thirty-five.

HisDesiree had worked in marketing and was about thirty-five. Could it be her?

The phone rang on the desk. “Hello?”

“Hi, Montez. Ms. Hagan is here.”

“Bring her back to the interview office.”

After he hung up, the unease in his gut deepened, and he caught himself holding his breath, body tense and on the alert.

“Calm down,” he muttered.

He heard laughter coming down the hall and immediately got to his feet. Was it her? He couldn’t decide if he wanted Desiree Hagan to be the woman he slept with or not, but he’d soon have his answer.

Two figures stopped outside the frosted glass door, and after a quick knock, it was pushed open. Desiree stepped in, and immediately her eyes widened, the smile on her face freezing and then faltering as the reality of the situation set in.

“Do you need anything, Montez?” the receptionist asked, her blonde hair in a tight updo and a pleasant expression on her face.
