Page 21 of Boyfriend for Hire

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They both fell silent and didn’t pick up talking again until they neared their destination.

The Stumptons lived in a swanky part of town, in a gated community filled with sprawling two-story homes with three- and four-car garages. After they gave their names at the gate, the guard waved them through, and Montez followed the road around to their home.

“Nice neighborhood,” he murmured.

“Business is doing well and only getting better,” Desiree said.

When they arrived at the Stumptons’ home, he parked in the driveway next to a Mercedes. As they walked to the front door, he took her hand.

She shot him a startled glance.

“You’re my girlfriend, remember? In new relationships, people are usually kinda touchy-feely.” He might be taking advantage a little bit, but who could blame him? Her hands were soft, and he liked touching her.

“Right.” She cleared her throat and walked beside him to the front door.

A member of the Stumptons’ household staff let them in and escorted them to a room where several people sat. A slim man with salt and pepper hair was the first to stand. Montez immediately scoped out the excellent tailoring on his navy-blue suit.

“Desiree, how are you?”

“Wonderful, Mark. How are you?”

“Starving,” he said with a laugh. Then his gaze settled on Montez.

“This is Montez Ross. Montez, this is Mark Stumpton.”

“Pleasure to meet you,” Mark said, shaking his hand.

A woman with a full head of gray hair and a string of pearls around her neck approached them. “Hello, Desiree, it’s good to see you again.” She gave Desiree an air kiss on the right cheek and then narrowed her eyes on Montez. “I don’t believe we’ve met before, have we? I’m very good with names and faces. I’m Ethel Stumpton.” She extended a thin, manicured hand with a single opal ring on one finger.

“No, we haven’t. This is my first time coming to a company function. I’m Montez Ross.” He shook her hand.

“Why haven’t you joined us before?” Ethel asked in a teasing voice.

Montez opened his mouth to respond, but Desiree answered for him.

“He’s very, very busy, aren’t you?” She smiled at him and took his hand again.

“That’s right,” Montez agreed.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, and I hope to see you at more events. Excuse me while I go to check on dinner. My husband is about to starve to death.”

Mark chuckled as she floated away. “Can I fix you a drink?” he asked.

“Water for me,” Desiree said.

“I’ll take the same,” Montez said, following her lead.

“You two are easy. Two waters coming up.”

As Mark went toward the bar in the corner, Montez spoke to Desiree out the side of his mouth. “Was it necessary for you to jump in like that? Ethel didn’t ask a relationship question.”

Pretending to fix his tie, Desiree responded as she smiled at him. “I know, but I wasn’t sure what answer you’d give, so I thought I’d interject. Don’t take it personally. I’m a perfectionist.” She patted his chest as if finished. “Hello, James!”

She led him over to James, the head of international relations and an old college buddy of Mark’s. The stocky-built man had a large nose and animated eyes. He looked like he was laughing even when he wasn’t. Montez suspected he had a booming voice before he opened his mouth, and sure enough, he did.

“Nice to meet you, Montez,” he said with a vigorous handshake.

He then introduced his wife, a petite woman who looked extra small next to her large husband.
