Page 22 of Boyfriend for Hire

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Gertrude and her spouse arrived soon after. Gertrude had blonde hair flipped up at the ends and greeted Desiree with an enthusiastic hug, which surprised Montez. Gertrude seemed to have a closer relationship with Desiree than anyone else there.

“I’m so glad you’re back. The new temp is trying her best, but she’s not you,” Desiree said with a conspiratorial wink.

Gertrude laughed, clearly pleased by the compliment. “I had a marvelous trip. I’ll call you first when I bring in the photos on Monday.”

“I can’t wait,” Desiree said.

The last ones to arrive were Royce and his wife, Calandra. Montez didn’t need to be introduced to know who he was the moment he strode into the room. He walked in with his head held high, as if he owned the place, and Desiree’s body tensed.

Mark introduced them. “Royce and Calandra, this is Montez Ross, Desiree’s guest.”

Royce had medium brown skin and wore his dreadlocked hair in a twist style pulled back from his face. As if surprised, his eyes skipped from Montez to Desiree and back.

“Nice to meet you.” He extended a hand.

Montez shook it. “Likewise.” After everything Desiree told him about this guy, he itched to say something smart but refrained.

Calandra kept her eyes on Desiree, and he couldn’t blame her. Desiree was stunning tonight. Calandra, on the other hand, appeared as if she wished to be anywhere else but there. Her face seemed worn and tired, probably as a result of all the extra weight she carried in her midsection from being pregnant. She was so distracted by Desiree, Royce had to nudge her with his elbow because she missed Montez’s extended hand.

“I’m sorry. I’m a bit scatterbrained. Nice to meet you.”

They shook hands.

A female member of the staff came to the open doorway and rang a crystal bell. “Dinner is ready. Please follow me.”

The entire group trailed her out the door.


In the Stumpton’s dining room, an elaborate chrome and crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling above a long dinner table that accommodated twelve. Two members of the staff stood off to the side as they filed in.

Mark and Ethel sat at either end, and Desiree sat next to Mark, with Montez on her right. She groaned inwardly when Royce and his wife sat opposite them and fumed when she caught Royce’s smirk. Jerk.

For a man who accused her of being too focused on her career, his constant need to compete against her was pathetic. At the end of the day, she knew she was the better candidate for the job but had to make Mark and James see that. Ethel, too, since she helped Mark with major business decisions though she no longer worked at the company.

Why couldn’t she find a man like that? Someone who appreciated her mind and drive, and instead of trying to stifle those characteristics, encouraged her.

Once everyone was seated, Mark spoke to the group. “Thank you for coming tonight. We all know why we’re here—so we can get to better know our candidates for the senior vice president of marketing position. Usually when people hear company heads say that we’re like a family, they want to run for the hills.”

Everyone politely laughed.

“But, I genuinely mean that. We are like family at Carolina’s Closet. My mother emptied her savings to start a clothing company that is now a multi-million dollar business. She built loyalty among her staff by not only treating people fairly, but by creating a workplace where everyone felt welcomed, like a family. I’ve continued much of what she put in place from the beginning. We’ve kept the bonuses because when the company does well, everyone should share in the excess. We continue to pay competitive wages in the industry and have a friendly work environment. The executive team wants new members of the team to be hard workers, yes, but also to fit in with us. We hope to discern some of that from this social setting—away from the hustle and bustle of the office. With that said, relax, be yourself, and let’s have a nice evening. All right?”

“All right,” the group murmured.

The staff, which consisted of two women—one older and the other in her thirties—brought in the first course, which was a salad with a vinaigrette dressing.

“Gertrude, you took a trip recently, didn’t you?” Royce asked, before placing a piece of lettuce in his mouth.

As if he didn’t know. Every time Gertrude took a trip, the entire company knew because it was announced that a temp would be filling in for her. The fact that she was at the dinner meant she was most certainly back from her trip.

The older woman dabbed her mouth with a napkin. “I did. Earlier I told Desiree that I’ll bring in the photos on Monday. We went to a resort in Mexico and had a lovely time, didn’t we, dear?”

Her husband, a redhead with gray hairs at the temple, nodded in agreement. “Fantastic time. Friendly staff, delicious food, and everything was simply top-notch. No complaints from me. Even the sightseeing excursions they arranged were informative and enjoyable. We brought back some lovely souvenirs.”

“I’ll have to get the name of that resort before we leave tonight. Callie and I have been trying to decide where we want to go for our third wedding anniversary next year, and that sounds like the perfect getaway. After the baby’s born, of course.”

Desiree lifted her wine glass to her lips. Were they really about to celebrate their third wedding anniversary? She couldn’t believe it. That would make almost five years since she and Royce split. She hated that he called his wife Callie because she had an unusual but pretty name. Was that her nickname, or did he force it on her? He loved shortening people’s names, and she was certain it was done on purpose as an act of aggression.

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