Page 113 of Haunted

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The bunkhouse door opened, and they sprang apart like two horny teenagers surprised by a parent’s unexpected return.

“Hey you two,” Zeeb called out. “We’re gonna have a few rounds of poker, if you’re interested.”

Butch snorted. “As long as it’s not strip poker again. You know what happened the last time.”

Zeeb pulled a face. “Spoilsport.” He went back inside.

“I’m afraid to ask. What did happen?”

Butch rolled his eyes. “Teague walked in just as one of the guests got down to his shorts. Then he tore us a new one.” He studied Sol for a moment. “Fuck. All I can think about is—”

Sol stopped his words with a finger. “I know, okay? I feel the same way.”

And the closer he got to leaving Salvation, the worse it got.

This is my fault. I opened the door a crack, and he slipped inside.

A door Sol had been determined to keep shut.

Chapter 26

Saturday, August 27

Butch came back into the bunkhouse as Sol was stuffing the last of his belongings into his bag.

“Okay, that’s Eric and Phil on their way home.” His gaze met Sol’s. “Guess that just leaves you.”

“I guess so. Are you taking me to Bozeman?” His flight wasn’t until one-fifteen, so he had maybe an hour before he needed to be out of there.

No long goodbyes, all right?

He’d come to Salvation to do two things, and one of them had been accomplished—the website for the BDSM venture was now operational, and Toby and Robert seemed more than happy with it. As for the relaxation he’d planned?

Yeah, no. He blamed that on a certain cowboy with sexy as fuck eyes, broad shoulders, and a dick and balls Sol could enjoy all day long.

Think of it as a hot interlude. Nothing more.

Except it waswaymore than that.

Finding Butch again had rekindled a lot of memories, not all of them good, and there’d been one more thing he’d wanted to discuss, but Butch refused to be budged on that one, so that was that.

Scott was apparently off limits.

He needs to know.Because Sol was damn sure Butch had no idea about what had really been going on back then.

None of us did.

Sol liked to think things might have been different if they had.

“Toby called me when I was on the way back. Said he was gonna do it. He also said you were to go on up to the house when you’re done here.” Butch glanced at the bag. “And it looks like you’re ready.”

Before Sol could reply, Teague walked into the bunkhouse, smiling.

“Sol, you are a fuckinggenius.” His eyes sparkled. “I just saw the website.”

Sol grinned. “That photo of you was awesome. Turned out better than I thought.”

“Allof it is awesome.” Teague held his hand out. “I gotta say, it’s been a pleasure meeting you.”
