Page 127 of Haunted

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It took a moment for all the pieces to fall into place.

Robert looked him in the eye. “And that’s the last time you do anything like this, do you hear?”

Toby blinked. “What harm did it do? Might even have helped the situation.”

He took a deep breath, his heartbeat pounding, heat flushing through him.

“I get that Sol is your friend, but he came here to consult for us—and to relax. Yourstuntput him in a horse trailer for two days. I don’t call at least fifteen hours of driving a form of relaxation.”

Toby’s lips parted, but he didn’t speak.

“And in case you haven’t caught on yet, yes, I’m pissed, but not just with you. I’m angry Paul agreed to this. That isn’t like him.” He narrowed his gaze. “What did you say to him?”

“I told him he’d be doing them a favor,” Toby said at last. “He didn’t actually tell anyone he was ill. He went into Bozeman for me on an errand, and as soon as Sol and Butch were on their way, he showed his face again and said whatever it was, he was over it. I just needed him out of sight to get Sol to go.” He swallowed.


Robert was never a fan of rocking the boat, but he couldn’t let this go.

“Something I have to say, and I need you to hear me out. We’ve been a couple for seven weeks.Seven. Neither of us has really gotten to know what makes the other one tick.” Toby opened his mouth, but Robert silenced him with a raised hand. “I won’t deny you’ve gotten a good handle on me when we’re in the bedroom or the playroom, but that isn’t twenty-four-seven, nor do I want it to be. I don’t think you want that either. Yes, you’re Sir when it’s just us. Yes, I’m the one on my knees. But when it comes to this ranch, I’m the boss, you hear?”

“I thought we were going to run Salvation together—as a team,” Toby said in a low voice.

“And we will. But there has to be communication and trust, just like we have in the bedroom. You didn’t tell me what you were planning to do. Maybe if we’d discussed it first, I would have come up with an alternative that didn’t involve one of my ranch hands, but you didn’t give me that option.”

Toby bit his lip. “I lied. I wasn’t going to tell you initially. I thought you’d be pissed.”

“So you know me well enough to gauge my reaction. That’s encouraging.”

“Sol told me I should tell you. He said something about how you can never bury shit deep enough—it always comes to light—and that there shouldn’t be secrets in a relationship.”

“Sol’s a good man.” Robert’s anger dissipated. “Thank you for being honest. And for the record, there aresomesecrets you can keep from me, you know, like birthday and Christmas presents, but not stuff like this.”

Toby shuddered out a breath. “Did we just have our first fight?”

Robert smiled. “More like a first-time falling out, and it probably won’t be our last. But that’s okay. If we agreed all the time, that would be downright weird. An argument here and there is healthy.” He stood. “Come here.” He held his arms wide, and Toby walked into them. Robert kissed him on the lips. “I love you, you know that, right?”

Toby pressed his cheek to Robert’s. “I know. Love you too. And Iamsorry.”

“I know.” He stroked Toby’s hair. “Idoknow how you can make it up to me, however.”


Robert slid his hands down Toby’s back until he reached that firm ass. He cupped both cheeks and gave a hard squeeze. “This is mine tonight.”

Toby chuckled. “I can go with that.” He pulled back and looked Robert in the eye. “I call the shots, though.”

Robert laughed. “And I can go withthat.” He took his seat once more.

Harmony restored.

Toby hated to admit it, but as much as he loved seeing Robert’s submission, seeing him in full-on boss mode was a turn-on. The change in dynamics was a heady switch.

Make-up sex promised to be even better. Robert had gotten more confident when it came to nailing Toby’s ass, and he had a feeling he’d know about it the following day.

He took a bottle of beer from the pail and gazed out at the ranch below. “You still thinkDeliveranceis a good name?”

“Have you got a better one?”
