Page 132 of Haunted

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Everyone who worked on Salvation had been overjoyed to see the boss happy again, but it wasn’t until that moment Butch understoodwhyhis boss was so damn happy.

Toby was the missing piece. Toby completes him.

And the more he thought about it, the more certain he was that Sol was probably a Dom too.

A Dom who was coming back to Salvation.

A Dom who’d given Butch his phone number.

The math wasn’t all that hard—Butch just didn’t know what the answer was going to be.

I guess I’ll know in a few weeks.

Now all he had to do was get on with his life and stop thinking about whatmightbe heading his way.

Yeah right. Wasn’t gonna happen.

Chapter 31

Monday, September 5 - Labor Day

“Who’s got the fastest time so far?” Butch demanded as he dismounted.

Owen sat on his quad bike, ready to drag the metal steer around the paddock one more time. Matt had called to say the cookout would start in about thirty minutes, and two of the guests, Gary and Logan, were waiting to take their turn roping.

Zeeb peered at the chalk board leaning against the fence. “So far, it’s you and Teague. So unless one of these guys beats the pants off of you both, there’s gonna be a showdown.”

The clatter of hooves had all heads turning toward the drive. Butch broke into a smile. “Well, look who’s here.” He hollered to the boss sitting on the fence with Toby. “Hey, boss? We’ve got company.”

Diana rode up to the paddock, slowing as she approached. “Happy Labor Day, everyone.” She waved in greeting to the ranch hands.

“Hey, Diana.” Zeeb waved back. “You slummin’ it?”

All he got was an eye-roll.

The boss climbed down and ambled over to her. He leaned on the fence. “You rode here?”

“That’s all I get?” Diana snorted. “Really feeling the love. And it’s not as if I haven’t done this before.” She narrowed her gaze. “Are you saying I’m too old to ride all the way from my ranch to yours?”

The boss held both hands up. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Not if you like your balls where they are.” She glanced at Toby. “The boyfriend might have something to say about that.”

Toby laughed. “Hey, Diana. I wouldn’t dream of it either.”

The boss stroked the black horse’s neck. “I haven’t seen this boy before.”

“That’s because he’s new. This is Blackheart.” She patted his mane. “We’re still getting used to each other, but I figured a ride over here would give us that chance.”

“You could’ve told me you were coming,” he grumbled.

“I wanted to surprise you.” She grinned. “Surprise!”

“Don’t you have guests?”

“Sure. Newt’s taken them to the rodeo at White Sulphur Springs. I’ve seen enough rodeos to last me a lifetime.” She gave the boss a hopeful look. “Is there food?”

He laughed. “Matt’s cooking steaks, sausages, burgers, chicken, you name it. Plus, there’s beans, potato salad—”
