Page 147 of Haunted

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He scrolled through his contacts for Butch’s number and hit Call. By the time it had reached five rings, Sol knew it was a bust: Butch didnotwant to talk to him. Not that Sol could blame him for—

“Hello? Your timing sucks, by the way.”

Butch didn’t sound all that pissed. The note of amusement was a welcome addition.

“Have I caught you at a bad time? What are you doing?”

Butch chuckled. “I’m standing on steps, painting a wall.”

“Hell, it’s not the side of a barn, is it?” He had visions of Butch falling and breaking his neck. He could see the tombstone already—He Fell Because An Asshole Phoned Him At A Really Bad Time.

Another chuckle. “Nope. Did you ever see the cabin down by the creek? The one that belonged to the boss’s mom?”

“Yeah, I rode past it when I was staying there.”

“I’m prettying it up for Toby and the boss. Well, really it’s for the hands. Toby said we can use it if we want to invite anyone to stay over, so I’m getting it ready for guests. And we have you to thank for it.”

Sol grinned. “I knew they liked the idea, but I’m so happy they’re making a move on this.”

“Did you call for any particular reason?”

“Is the paint drying on your brush? You want to get back to it?”

Butch laughed. “I’m using a roller, and I’ve just climbed down and put it in the tray of paint.”

“I was calling to see how Diana is. I didn’t want to call Toby.”

“She’s doing much better. They should be bringing her home Saturday. Course, she’ll need to rest up a while.”

“That’s great. So, what have you done to the cabin? Apart from painting it.” He’d gotten this far and he was reluctant to let Butch go, not while they were talking and laughing, banishing his last epic fail of a call into the trash can ofnext time keep your fucking mouth shut.

Okay, notallof it had been an epic fail, just the last part.

The earlier part had formed the basis for his fantasies since his return to San Francisco.

“It’s only getting a lick of paint because it hasn’t been used in a long time. I’ve been out buying new bedding, towels, and a new mattress because how anyone slept on the last one is beyond me. It isn’t a huge space—it’s basically one big room—with a living room, a tiny kitchen, and a separate bathroom. There’s an open staircase leading up to a mezzanine, you know, like there is in the big house? Only theirs is much grander. But in the cabin, that’s where the bed is, with this teeny window over it. It’s kinda cute.”

“And they let you do the painting?” he quipped.

There was a pause.

“You saying you don’t think I’d be any good at it?”

And there you go again, smartass. Better put a lock on that mouth of yours.

“I’m sure you are,” Sol said quickly. He needed to turn this conversation around. He smiled to himself as he added, “You’ve got a nice steady hand.”

Okay, that was wicked and he knew it.

Butch cleared his throat, and Sol tried not to picture him adjusting his package.Score.

“Place needed a damn good clean.” Butch’s voice was gruff.

“You’re going to stock up on the essentials?”

“Yup. Shampoo, bodywash, coffee…”

“Those weren’t the essentials I was thinking of.”
