Page 15 of Haunted

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“If you’ve been a different kinda guy, last night could’ve gone in a whole different direction.”

His warm eyes were kind. “I’m thirty. I’ve been around. I’ve also met too many predatory types out there. That’s not me. I’m happy just to be a friend.”

Butch could deal with being a friend.

“And for the record?” Race squared his broad shoulders. “If you ever want to ask questions—and I don’t care how personal they get—then that’s fine by me.”

“What makes you think I have questions?”And damn, just how much do you see?

Race studied him in silence, and Butch’s scalp prickled. Finally, Race nodded. “Okay. Clearly I got it wrong.” His stomach growled, and when Butch’s rumbled in reply, they laughed. “I think breakfast was a good idea though.”

Butch couldn’t argue with that. He’d rather deal with a growling stomach than think, any day. Especially thoughts that led him to—

Nope. Not gonna go there.

Chapter 4

Sunday, August 7, 2022

With hindsight, Toby Merrow should have seen it coming.

Everything had moved so fast: the architect’s plans, consultations with building companies, carpenters, plumbers… It all pulled together in a short space of time—which it had to, if they were to be ready before the end of September—and once the ball got rolling, it picked up speed and then there was no stopping it.

Robert had seemed okay with the rapid progress—on the surface. There’d been glimpses of something brewing, but Toby had assumed if there was a problem, Robert would havesaid, for God’s sake.

Toby’s first mistake. He fuckingassumed.

The previous week, Robert had been out of sorts. He was a quiet man at the best of times, and Toby was still getting to know the man he’d fallen for, so he took silence for everything being hunky dory.

Toby’s second mistake. He should have gone with his gut instinct and gotten Robert to talk.

And then that morning, it had all spiraled out of control, and Robert had lost it. Well and truly lost it. So Toby had to take control, to stop this wildfire before it had a chance to burn down everything they’d built since June.

He’d stood in the living room watching Robert pacing, scraping his fingers over his scalp, rubbing the back of his neck, unable to keep still for a second.

“I think you need to calm down,” Toby said quietly.

“And I don’t think you’ve listened to a word I’ve said,” Robert retorted. “The plumbing company just called. They said there could be a delay in getting it all done on time.”

“Then we’ll find another company who can deliver.” Toby strove to keep things on a practical level.

“Just like that, huh? Aren’t you at all concerned? After all, this isyourbrainchild, right? Why did I think we could do this? Neither of us are rich, and yet we’ve sunk money into this venture, and it could still go belly up.”

Toby knew there had to be more to this than a delay with the plumbing. “Is that it? Or is there more?”

“You bet there’s more. Doesn’t it bother you that we’ve only got one booking so far?”

“And we’ve gothowmany weeks left before we open? Six, seven maybe?” Toby smiled. “To quote one of your favorite movies, ‘People will come.’”

His attempt at levity sailed over Robert’s head. “But this is such a risk.”

“Yeah, and you’ve taken risks before. You turned Salvation into a dude ranch, remember?”

“Yeah, butthis…”

Toby had heard enough. “Can I just stop you for a moment?” Robert blinked, and Toby studied him. “Now… think about what you’ve said, the things troubling you. Then look at how you’re reacting.”

He knew Robert was better than this.
