Page 175 of Haunted

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He sounded disappointed.

Butch had grabbed a second shower before supper, in the hope that he’d get a moment to go see Sol, but since that morning text, there’d been nothing. And once Matt had cleared away the dishes, he had to accept the situation.

I guess I’ll have to wait till tomorrow. What’s one more night?Except it was more than the opportunity to come.

He wanted to see Sol.

It was a subdued Butch who undressed and climbed beneath his sheets that night.

He’s here, less than five hundred feet from where I’m lyin’, and it might as well be five hundred miles.He wasn’t about to go knock on Sol’s door—for one thing Butch had no clue which room was his—and for another, if Toby got to hear, he would be pissed.

Eleven o’clock arrived, and the bunkhouse was quiet. Butch hadn’t slept a wink. He’d even kept his phone under his pillow, set to vibrate, hoping for a goodnight message, a pic,anythingto show him he was in Sol’s thoughts as much as Sol was in his.

His phone buzzed, and he made a grab for it, sending it clattering to the floor.


Butch lurched out of bed and picked it up. The screen was intact, but he didn’t give a flying leap about that. What made his heart soar was a message.

My room, upstairs, 2nd door on the left. Don’t knock, just come in.

He hurried into the bathroom, brushed his teeth—again—gave his ass a thorough cleaning—again—then crept out of the bunkhouse and over to the barn. Then he turned around and came back, opening the drawer next to his bed as quietly as he could to retrieve a handful of condoms—he lived in hope—and stuffed them into his pockets before heading out once more.

The barn was quiet, and there was a single light on in the main room. Butch crept up the wooden stairs, turning left into the hallway that led to the rooms. He stopped outside Sol’s door, heart pounding, his breath leaving him in shallow bursts, and then he opened it and went inside.

Sol sat on the bed, dressed in jeans and a tee, and his face lit up as Butch closed the door behind him.

“I was starting to—”

That was as far as Butch got before Sol launched himself off the bed, zipped across the floor, pushed him against the door, pinning him there with his body, and kissed him with a ferocity that left Butch breathless.

“I thought I was going to explode,” Sol muttered between kisses.

“I know. Me too.”

“Then no more talking.” Sol grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the bed.

Thank fuck.

Sol undressed him, taking his time, unable to resist the siren call of Butch’s lips as he unbuttoned, unzipped, and tugged, until Butch was naked and they were both tumbling onto the bed. Butch lay on his back, and Sol stretched out beside him on his side, their bodies touching as he kissed his neck, pulling low moans from him as he sucked on the skin.

Butch gazed at him, his breathing labored. “What about you? Aren’t you gonna take your clothes off?”

“Eventually, but it’s not my priority right now.” He smiled, kissed Butch on the lips, and stroked his chest. “That would be you.” He slid his hand lower, grazing his fingernails over Butch’s belly, loving the way it quivered, the whimper that escaped him. Then he moved lower still, until his fingertips met the warm, taut skin on the head of Butch’s flushed, solid cock that pointed toward his chin. Butch shivered, and with a single finger Sol traced the line of his shaft that jerked up to meet his touch.

Butch’s soft sigh was like nectar.

“I’ve been thinking about touching you ever since I left Salvation,” Sol confessed. He curled his fingers around the shaft and rubbed over the head with his thumb. Butch squirmed a little, hips starting to rock as he tried to deepen the contact, and Sol claimed his mouth once more, keeping his kisses languid and sensual. He let go of Butch’s cock and slid his hand along Butch’s thigh, encouraging him to hook his leg over Sol’s, opening him up, spreading him wide.

The hitch in Butch’s breathing sent a zing of anticipation down his spine.

Sol cupped his cheek, turning his face to meet Sol’s mouth, and they kissed, Butch feeding him low noises and sighs with every brush of Sol’s lips against his. He kissed a path from Butch’s mouth to his neck, and Butch groaned at the double assault when Sol wrapped gentle fingers around his dick and pulled on it, never ceasing to kiss the fragrant sensitive skin below Butch’s ear.

“You like that, don’t you?” he murmured between kisses.


Sol smiled. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
