Page 200 of Haunted

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“I don’t know. I haven’t measured it in a while.”

Butch forced himself not to react to the sound of Sol’s deep voice. Finally coming out as bi to his coworkers was one thing—letting them know every detail of his private life was another, and right then Butch wanted to keep things private.

Zeeb laughed. “Good to see ya, Sol. How’s life over there in the Leather barn?”

Sol chuckled. “Seriously? That’s what you’re going to call it?”

“Gimme a minute, and I’m sure I can come up with something better.” Zeeb grinned. “And definitely dirtier. Tied anyone up lately?”

“Not yet, but it’s only Monday.” That brought a few chuckles from around the table.

Teague cleared his throat. “Was there something you wanted, Sol?”

“He came over to see us,” Walt interjected. His eyes gleamed. “You missed us, right?”

Sol laughed. “You know what? I did. I’ve thought a lot about this place since I left. It’s good to be back. And I came over here because I have to go into Bozeman this afternoon, and Toby said Butch would take me.”

“Not sure Butch can fit that into his busy schedule,” Zeeb quipped.

Butch rolled his eyes. “Quit being a dick.” He glanced at Sol. “What time?”

“I need to be there by two. That okay?”

“Sure.” Butch couldn’t help wondering if this trip was part of Sol’s plan.

“You still okay for Thursday night?” Zeeb asked Sol.

“I wouldn’t miss it. I’ve already ordered the male stripper to join us at the casino.” Sol regarded Zeeb with a deadpan expression.

Zeeb widened his eyes. “Tell me you’re joking.”

Sol arched his eyebrows. “Did I choose the wrong gender? Want me to change it?”

Zeeb huffed. “Hey, if a guy wants to show off what God gave him, that’s okay by me, but the casino owners won’t be too happy about it. They’ll throw me out.” Then he narrowed his gaze. “There isn’t any stripper, is there? You’re yanking my chain.” His eyes sparkled. “Now, if you were to order one for my hotel room, that’d be just fine.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Why else d’you think I booked a room all to myself?”

Butch had a feeling if he didn’t call a halt to the banter, Teague would lose it.

“I’ll be ready at one-thirty,” he told Sol.

“Thanks. You’re going to have to wait a while for me. This could take a few hours.”

“Hey, Butch. Don’t forget to take your needlepoint with ya,” Zeeb joked. Butch gave him the finger, and Zeeb cackled.

“You got time to grab a cup of coffee with us?” Matt asked. “Or do you have plans?”

“The latter. I’m giving a talk this morning.” Sol smiled. “Seems some of the other guests need a refresher course on boundaries.” He gave Butch a nod. “I’ll see you at one-thirty.” He smiled at the hands. “It’s good to see you all again.” Then he was out of there.

“And there was me thinking it was all hot, dirty sex,” Zeeb remarked. “They got classes too? Who knew?”

Teague finished his coffee. “Okay, I need to get on with my day. I’ll be back later with the guest list for next week.” He pushed his chair back, stood, and headed out of the door.

Butch wasn’t about to leave things hanging.

“Back in a sec.” He rose and followed Teague out of the bunkhouse. “Hey, Teague?” he hollered.

Teague stopped and turned. “Something up?” His eyes were cool.

Butch caught up with him. “Yeah. We need to talk.”
