Page 199 of Haunted

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Zeeb snorted. “Color me not surprised. You’ve been expendin’ a lot of … energy lately.”

He didn’t bother to comment.

Matt returned with hash browns, biscuits and sausage gravy. “Dig in. I’ve already fed the guests, so I’m going to have breakfast with you before I go to the house to clean up.”

The guys attacked the food with gusto.

“Have y’all found a bed for Thursday night, or are you driving back to Salvation?” Zeeb asked between mouthfuls.

“Matt booked us a couple of rooms,” Paul told him. “I think you’re lucky your birthday fell this week—if we’d had guests, there’d be no way the boss would let us all do this.”

“I know, right?” Zeeb rubbed his hands together. “There’s gonna be shenanigans, that’s for damn sure.”

“There’d better not be,” Butch warned him. He grinned. “The boss’ll be pissed if he has to bail you outta jail.”

The door opened, and Teague walked in. “Great, there’s food left.” He joined them at the table. He glanced at Butch before helping himself to the food, and it took Butch a second or two to realize what was missing.

Teague wasn’t smiling.

Aw shit.

With everything that had happened since the previous evening, Butch had forgotten the sour taste of their last conversation.

I guess I need to mend some bridges.Not that he’d been the one at fault—it takes two to tango, right?—but someone had to make the first move.

Everyone lapsed into silence as they ate. Butch shifted a little on his chair, aware of an ache where there hadn’t been one before. His mind drifted to Sol’s mysterious plans.

He’s up to something.

The thought sent shivers of excitement and trepidation coursing through him in equal measure.

“One of the showers has gone on the fritz,” Walt told Butch. “Think you can use those magic fingers of your and fix it?”

“I’ll take a look.” Butch chuckled. “What would you do if I wasn’t around?”

Zeeb let out another snort. “Call for a plumber, wait for two weeks to get a reply, then pay through the nose to get it fixed, like everyone else.”

“Have any of you seen the three guys?” Teague poured himself a cup of coffee.

“I was gonna ask you about that. What’s the deal with them?” Walt frowned. “Is it like a permanent three-way or something?”

“The boss says yeah. There’s even a word for what they’ve got going on— they’re a throuple.”

Zeeb blinked. “That’s a thing?”


“So how does that work?”

“I don’t know how it works for them specifically, but from what the boss said, there are many permutations.”

Zeeb rolled his eyes. “I swear, you sound more like the boss every day.”

“I watched them at breakfast,” Matt told them. “There’s obviously one of them who’s in charge of the other two.”

“Not surein chargeis how I’d put it,” Teague observed, “but you’re on the right track. I’ll be honest, I’m curious.”

Behind Butch, the door opened, and Zeeb’s face lit up. “Hey, stranger? How’s it hanging?”
