Page 213 of Haunted

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“Beautiful man. So fucking beautiful when you come.”

Sol held him, cradled him, and Butch’s heart soared.

So this is what love feels like.

It was more than the joining of bodies—that connection he’d felt weeks ago had developed into something deeper, richer, more satisfying than he’d ever imagined possible. And when it was all over, once Sol had disposed of the condom and wiped them both down with a towel, he held Butch to him as though he were fragile, the sounds of their breathing filling the air.

“This just gets better and better,” Sol murmured, stroking Butch’s damp hair.

“Not sure how we can top that.” Butch smiled. “But I’m sure we can think of something, although we might have to wait till your next visit.” He kissed Sol’s chest. “You know I’m gonna be counting the days, right?”

Sol’s hand stilled on his head, his breathing erratic.

Butch nuzzled Sol’s neck. “Fuck, you always smell so good. I might have to steal the pillowcase from your room back at the ranch, so I can sleep with the smell of you in my nostrils. And that tee you left with me… you’re gonna need to use it as a cum-rag again before you leave, because the smell has faded.”

Sol’s breathing deepened, and Butch knew he’d fallen asleep. He didn’t want to move for fear that would somehow shatter the moment, and he’d lose this glorious feeling that went bone-deep.

“Sol,” he whispered.


“Sol, you awake?”


Butch sighed. “I never thought I’d be into all this—you know, BDSM—but I love the way it makes me feel,” he whispered. “I love the wayyoumake me feel too, like I can do anything. But I guess that’s what it feels like when you love someone. I never had this before, this awesome, earth-shattering feeling.” He swallowed. “It scares me a little too. I never realized it could be like this. I watched Toby and the boss, saw how they were together, growing toward each other, connecting, and I thought I’d never find anyone who’d fit me the waytheyfit.” He smiled to himself. “And then you came along. I’ve loved everything we’ve done, all of it, and I can’t wait to do more. I know your life is in San Francisco and mine is here, but that doesn’t have to be permanent, does it?” He sighed. “I need to say all this when you’re awake, don’t I?” He glanced at the lotus flower on his right arm. “You nailed it, didn’t you? New beginnings.” Butch closed his eyes and breathed deeply, drinking in Sol’s warmth, his strength, his scent.

Sleep came and took him, and he sank into its velvety arms.

Sol lay there, not daring to move.

Aw fuck.



Chapter 51

Friday, September 30

Butch switched off the engine and got out of the truck. He didn’t mind running errands, but he wasn’t sure why the boss had chosen him to take several packages to the post office. He knew why he’d been reluctant to go: the minutes of Sol’s last full day were ticking away, and they were precious. He guessed Sol felt the same way. He’d been awful quiet that morning, ever since they’d woken. He hadn’t even wanted to go find breakfast, so Butch had driven them back to Salvation.

Butch had a good explanation for Sol’s lack of conversation and appetite.

He doesn’t want to go.

The previous night’s admissions had tumbled out of him, and the only reason he’d come out with all that was because he knew Sol couldn’t hear him.

He must know how I feel about him.

After that kiss in the hotel lobby,everyonehad to know how he felt about Sol. Butch was happy not to hide his feelings any longer. What was more, if Teague knew, then that meant Toby and the boss would also know.

Speak of the devil…

Toby was walking toward him, and one glance at his face sent ice trickling through Butch’s veins. Toby wasn’t smiling, and the light had gone from his eyes.

“What’s happened?” he demanded. “Is it the boss? Is he okay?” His heartbeat quickened.
