Page 229 of Haunted

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Chapter 55

Sol’s heart thumped. “This isn’t what you might think it is.”

Butch tore his gaze away from it and gave him an amused glance. “Well, itlookslike a ring made of green glass. And while I didn’t suppose you were about to get down on one knee—” He clutched his chest over his heart. “—Because that would bemonumentallyfast work, not to mention a huge presumption—Iamintrigued.”

He removed the ring from its wadding. “This is agate, a gemstone, and I chose the color because it reminded me of your eyes.”

Those same green eyes that were staring into Sol’s, their pupils large, framed by long black lashes. The fact Butch didn’t appear to be freaking out gave him the confidence to continue.

“I chose agate—somethingelseI was researching this last week—because it’s supposed to be a soothing, calming gemstone that heals anxiety and helps in the strengthening of relationships.” He took Butch’s left hand in his. “And if you wear it on your ring finger, that will tell anyone who sees it that you’re spoken for. That you have someone who loves you.” He couldn’t resist the lure of Butch’s mouth a second longer. Sol leaned in and kissed him, slow and sensual. “That you’re mine,” he murmured against Butch’s lips.

“Lord knows I’m that,” Butch whispered as their lips parted. He drew back with a happy little sigh. “I’ll wear your ring, Sol. I think it’s a beautiful idea. I just wish I had something to give you.”

Sol smiled. “You already gave me something.” Another sweet kiss as he slid the ring onto Butch’s finger, thankful to have estimated its size reasonably well. It wasn’t a perfect fit, but it would do its job until Sol replaced it with something more permanent.

“What was that?”

“Your heart. You also gave me the chance to think and come to my own conclusions. You put your cards on the table and respected me enough not to pressure me, even though that had to be difficult, not to mention heartbreaking at times.”

Butch cleared his throat. “Um, that’s more than one thing, y’know, but hey, feel free to keep going.” His lips twitched. Then Butch locked his arms around Sol’s neck and kissed him like it was about to be abolished.

Their foreheads touched. “Love you, Sol Davenport.” Butch’s fingers were gentle as he stroked Sol’s head. “Never thought I’d say that to anyone.”

Sol claimed his mouth again, with as much hunger as the previous kisses, his hands on Butch’s back, his shoulders. “Love you too,” he murmured between kisses. “And I thought I’d had my one and only chance to say those words.”

Their foreheads touched, and they stood there, Butch seemingly as unwilling as he was to move from that spot.

“When do you have to head back to San Francisco?”

Sol cradled Butch’s head, breathing him in, trying to burn the moment into his memory. “I’m working this week, so—”

Butch jerked his head back. “He’s got you on the payroll already?Man, that dude works fast.”

Sol laughed. “Guests were arriving. Robert wanted me on board by the time they got here. So yes, I’ll start earning my keep right away. I won’t be staying in the barn though. He suggested I could use the cabin down by the creek.” He gave Butch a light kiss. “Wanna stay there with me? You won’t have any guests in the bunkhouse to take care of, right? And whenever I’m not doing demos or scenes, I’ll be with you.”

“And when this week is over?”

Sol kissed his forehead. “I’ll stay for Halloween, okay? Then I’ll fly back to San Francisco and start packing. I’ll be back here with my U-Haul before you know it.”

Butch blinked. “You’re gonna drive a thousand miles?”

He laughed, amazed at the lightness that flooded through him. “I’d drive across the entire country if I knew you were waiting for me at the end of my journey.”

Butch smiled. “And then we start another journey.”

He nodded. “Together.” He released Butch, picked up the box containing the collar, and placed it back in his bag. “I’ll keep this safe until it’s needed.” Then he slung the bag over his shoulder. “I guess we’d better saddle up and ride to the cabin.”

Butch chuckled. “Seeing as you’re one of the staff now, I’ll let you into a little secret. There’s a back way through the forest, and all we need is a truck.”

Sol grinned. “Then what are we waiting for?”

“I think I’ve found my happy place,” Butch murmured.

Sol hooked his leg over Butch’s and kissed his chest. “Oh?”

He sighed. “With you in a bed. Preferably after we’ve made love.”

Sol nuzzled his neck, and Butch’s cock reacted. Sol chuckled. “Uh-oh. Round two looks imminent.”
