Page 28 of Haunted

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His thumbs got busy.Okay to call you?

Less than ten seconds later the phone rang. “I’ve got thirty minutes before I have to be someplace. What’s up?”

Sol settled back in his chair. “Tell me more about your plans.”

For the next ten minutes, Toby talked, with Sol interrupting here and there to ask questions. It sounded like a bold venture—and totally Toby-like. Sol could already think of three or four guys at the club who might be interested. But three or four wasn’t enough. Toby needed a site that would drag them in, and once word got around…

Sol glanced at the scribbles he’d made during the conversation.

“Have you incorporated an aftercare section in the design for the new space? You know, a place to rest, talk, with lots of aftercare products…”


He grinned. “Aha.”

“No, I haven’t, but that was because I had two possible spots in mind. I was hoping you’d help me decide... when you see the ranch.”

Sol chuckled. “I’ll say this for you—you’re persistent.” He tapped his pen on his notepad. “Is everything completed then?”

“Not yet.”

“Can you make any changes? This new barn you’ve had built… Is there a part of it that could be used for aftercare? Preferably near whatever space you’re using for scenes, demos, et cetera. Or is that one of the spots you’ve identified?”

“Yeah, it was.” Toby sighed. “I’ll talk to Robert. We need to make a decision on this.”

“And this website… you’re planning a section where guests can access consent forms, supply medical details…?”

“Already looking into that.” Toby’s confident tone was back.

“Good.” Sol paused. “Have I just given you a headache?”

“Kind of, but it was already brewing. I’ll get right on it.” A moment’s pause. “And now I’m even more determined to get you on board with this.”

Sol chuckled. “You’re pushing again. What was that you said about no pressure?”


Sol fought to restrain his snort. “You arenotsorry at all.” Toby knew what he wanted—and what the ranch needed. “I do have one question, though, and it’s related to the building you’ve got going on.”

“Fire away.”

“Suppose you do get me to come visit. Will there be anything to take pictures of? What I mean is, you’d want photos of the accommodation, the space for scenes… I’m not going to turn up if there’s nothing to see. I know you said you want the site ready for the end of the month, but is that feasible?”

“I guess if I want you in on this, it’ll have to be ready.” He sighed. “I’d better go break the news to Robert. If we’re going to do this, he needs to light a fire under the asses of our contractors. Let’s talk soon, okay?”

“Sure.” He ended the call, then glanced once more at his diary. Once the theater’s website was done, there was the dental surgery, the site for that CPA… Both as interesting as whale shit, but work was work.

Toby’s venture, on the other hand…

Sol had loved creating the club’s website, and this promised to be as much of a challenge. His gaze flickered back to the laptop screen, to those green pastures, rolling hills, dense forests, and trickling streams. The accommodation seemed pretty basic, but Sol didn’t give a shit about that.

Toby had been right about one thing.

I need this.

A week would be plenty of time to discover more about the place. He could take a shit ton of pictures, and he was reasonably sure Toby wouldn’t be averse to putting on his leathers for a few photo ops. Maybe his cowboy, too—Robert, that was it.

More than that, he wanted some time to reconnect with the great outdoors. How many times had he thought about going to Yosemite or Lake Tahoe, only to back off at the last minute, telling himself the demands of work were too great?

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