Page 40 of Haunted

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Butch took it with a frown. “Might mean putting a roster together for the bathroom. It’ll get awful congested in there otherwise.”

“We can always use the second-floor bathroom if we need to,” Teague suggested.

Butch glanced at the list, and an iron fist squeezed his heart. Cold spread through him, and he reached for a nearby wooden pillar as his legs turned to jelly.

What the everlovin’fuck?

Chapter 10

“Butch? You okay?”

Toby’s voice sounded as if it came from a mile away.

Butch got his shit together fast. “’M fine.”

“You sure about that?” The edge of concern in Teague’s tone was unmistakable. “Because you look awful. You coming down with something?”

Yeah, I am. A bad case of No Fucking Way.

He glanced at the sheet in his hand, and his second look fared no better than his first: Sol Davenport’s name was still there. In the column for Arrival, there was a flight from San Francisco.

It’s not him. If it was the same Sol, he’d be flying in from Wyoming.

Then he realized what utter bullshit that was.

And he can’t havemovedin the last thirty-four years, numb nuts? Is that what you’re saying?

Christ, sometimes he had as much brains as a bucket of frogs.

“Butch?” Teague again.

Butch met Teague’s gaze with as neutral an expression as he could muster. “I’m fine. Got a bellyache, that’s all. So if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go see if Matt has got lunch ready.”

And with that, he strode out of the barn, almost falling over a drill in the process.

Maybe it was time he took a vacation. He could do that, right? He never took time off, so the boss could hardly complain. A week someplace where he could chill, read, swim in an ocean…

A week anywhere but Salvation.

“Hey! Wait up!” Teague yelled after him. By the sound of it, he was running.

Hell no. Butch picked up the pace.

“Will you just stop?”

So what are you gonna do? Run every time Teague comes near? For how long?

That would make a certain arrangement nigh on impossible.

As for that bucket, it was full to the brim with frogs. Time to stop the insanity and act like a man.

Butch came to a halt and turned. Teague stopped running and walked over to him.

“You sure you’re okay?”

He drew in a deep breath and forced a smile. “For the third time, I’m fine. Quit worrying.”

“Uh-uh.” Teague put his hands on his slim hips. “I love you like a brother, okay?” His eyes glinted. “An annoying, exacerbating older brother who bugs the shit out of me at times. So if there’s anything you need to talk about, get off your chest…” He pointed in the general direction of his cabin. “My door is always open. And that includes nights when you want to talk, not just fuck. You got that?”
