Page 78 of Haunted

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He’d held onto the top bars, Sol’s tight assright fucking there, and all he could think of was Sol naked, his hole ready for Butch’s cock to slide right in, as deep as it was possible to go. He could feel the warm skin of Sol’s thighs as he dug his fingers into the muscled flesh, pulling Sol to him, spearing into him…

Butch knew when night came, he’d close his eyes and those images would be there, making him hard as a rock.

As hard as he was right that second.

Chapter 19

Robert left his office in search of coffee. Matt had left him a fresh pot before he’d gone to shop for groceries. Toby was in the barn with Sol, setting up for photos, and the house was quiet.

Robert was still getting used to having Toby in his life. After five years of being alone, it was more difficult than he’d anticipated, adjusting to another body around the place.

The one exception was his bed. Falling asleep wrapped in Toby’s arms, waking to find warmth surrounding him, Toby’s leg hooked over his, his hand on Robert’s chest…


I gotsolucky.

In his more philosophical moments, Robert liked to believe Kevin had had a hand in it somewhere. Because what were the chances of finding not one lover but two—and two Doms at that—who made his life feel so complete?

Robert Thorston was one lucky son of a bitch.

He paused at the threshold. Toby was standing in the kitchen, staring out of the window.

Robert grabbed a clean cup. “You can’t be done already.”

Toby smiled. “I’m not. There’s still all the unpacking to do.”

“Then why are you here and not down there?”

He pointed to an opened cardboard box sitting on the tiled floor by the back door. “I came to collect that.”

Robert was none the wiser. “And yet you’re still here.”

Toby turned and leaned against the sink. “I have news. Butch and Sol are on speaking terms again.”

“That’s good.”

“Oh, it’s better than good.”

Robert didn’t miss the trace of mirth in Toby’s voice. “Okay, I’ll bite.”


“You’re up to something. Or something’s tickled you. So which one is it?”

Toby’s grin was apparently all the answer he was going to get.

Robert tried from another angle. “I take it your present mood has something to do with Sol and Butch?”

Toby nodded. “You remember what Sol told us? How he had the hots for Butch in high school?”

“I’m not likely to forget that part,” Robert remarked dryly.

“Well, guess what?” Toby’s eyes gleamed. “He still does.”

The light began to dawn. “Whatever you’re thinking of doing, don’t.”

“Who says I’m thinking of doing anything?”

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