Page 93 of Haunted

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Sol turned the camera around. “Want to see? This one shows your face, but I’ll crop it before it gets onto the site.” He chuckled. “Because that expression on your face?” It was hot.

Without a word, Teague took the camera and stared at the screen for a moment. He raised his chin. “Fuck, I look like I’m having an orgasm.” He shuddered out a long breath. “What a ride.” Then he looked at Butch. “Thanks for the push.”

“Any time. Gotta say, it was pretty intense just watching.” Then Butch met Sol’s eyes, and he swallowed before quickly averting his gaze.

Okay, what just happened?

“Ooh, look what I’ve found.” Matt held up the black leather paddle Toby had brought out. “Can I be in a photo with this?”

Toby laughed. “I think that can be arranged.” He pointed to the horse. “Get up on here, knees on either side, ass in the air.”

Matt stilled. “You… you’re not really gonna spank me with that, are you?”

“No, I’m just going to hold the paddle against your ass while Sol takes pictures. Okay?”

“That works.” Matt climbed onto the horse, straddled it, then brought his chest down to the padded vinyl surface, his knees and elbows resting on the lower shelves, his weight on his forearms. Toby positioned the paddle, and Sol zoomed in for yet another close-up.

Matt chuckled. “Great. My ass is going to be on the website.”

“We’re done.” Sol stepped back, and Matt clambered down.

“Let me see?”

Sol showed him. “It’s a nice ass,” he admitted.

“I’ll second that,” Teague added.

Matt blinked. “Thanks.” He returned the paddle to the cabinet. “Hey, Sol? Can I be in one more photo?”

“Have you seen something else you want to pose with?”

Matt held up the black flogger. “This.”

“Sure.” Sol glanced at Toby. “Where do you want him?”

Toby shrugged. “He can lean over the bench, I guess.”

To Sol’s surprise, Matt shook his head. “I got a better idea.” He walked over to where the suspension bar still hung. “I could grab onto the handles, and you could hold it against my ass.”

“That works,” Toby told him.

Sol agreed. Teague and Walt were dressed once more, and he had yet to take a photo of Butch. He had an idea about that, though.

Matt walked over to where the bar hung, and reached for the hand slings. Toby moved to stand beside him, the tails of the flogger covering Matt’s ass.

“Okay, hold still,” Sol instructed, lining up for the shot.

“Wait!” Matt called out.

“Something wrong?” Sol lowered the camera.

Matt twisted to gaze over his shoulder at him. “No, nothing’s wrong, it’s just… You want to make the place look good, right? To bring guests here?”

“That’s the general idea,” Toby commented.

“All right then.”

Sol stifled a gasp when Matt hooked his thumbs under the waistband of his jock and shoved it to his ankles, stepping out of it and tossing it to one side. He glanced at Sol over his shoulder once more. “I figured this would make for a better photo.” He spread his legs, feet apart, and took hold of the slings once more.
