Page 15 of The Guardian

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“This gift is absolutely inappropriate, Alex, and if you think for one second that this is how you’re go—”

“Oh, this isn’t Alex,” says an unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line.

“Oh, sorry,” I say, half-embarrassed. “Who is this?”

“That’s not important, but whatisimportant is that I’m watching you, Miss Pierce. It would be a really terrible shame if something were to happen to you and Chloe, wouldn’t it?”

My body freezes, my blood running cold at the eerie voice mentioning my daughter’s name. I’m about to tell him to go to hell when he continues before I get the chance.

“And before you think that Alex Rockwell and the men of Four Forces will keep you safe, just remember what you’re up against: a multi-billion-dollar empire that will stop at nothing to make you disappear . . . and nobody will remember you, Juliette Pierce.”

A second later, the line goes dead and I’m left standing in pure terror at my kitchen island.



“You’re always too busy for me these days,” Denise, my currentsituation,whines on the other end of the phone.

“I am?” I say, distracted by the computer I’m staring at. I’ve spent the better part of my morning and early afternoon doing recon on Delmore, PrimeStar Insurance, and their goon squad law firm. With my knowledge of the dark web and the kinds of contacts I have—the less-than-law-abiding citizens of the world—it’s not hard to find the information I’m looking for. One thing I’ve learned in this business is that everyone knows something, and they’re always willing to talk for a price.

“Yes.” I don’t have to see Denise to know she’s pouting. “I’m starting to think I’m not your #1 girl anymore.”

“Did I say you were?” I laugh.

“You didn’t have to,” she purrs.

“Now, Denise, we both know this isn’t an exclusive thing. Come on, I thought we both agreed it was fun and convenient. We see each other when we can.”

“It is,” she replies quickly. “Trust me, I’ve got too many other men paying my bills and taking me out to throw it away on love.” She laughs. “But I’d be lying if I said they’re half as good in bed as you are.”

I lean back in my chair, staring up at the ceiling. It has been far too long since I’ve been laid. I think the last time I had contact with anyone was when Denise gave me road head over a month ago. I don’t like to try to fit women in when I’m on a job; it complicates things.

“I’m working a job right now, baby, I told you.” I have to practically force the words out so I don’t give in and tell her to come over right now. I’ve been wound pretty fucking tight since that night in Juliette’s bedroom. And then I had to go and make it a million times worse on myself by buying her a hot pink vibrator. I reach down and adjust my cock, straining against my jeans as I picture her lying back, burying the toy inside her as she moans.

“Ohhh, don’t you miss me, though? Don’t you miss my tight, wet pu—”

A beep on my phone alerts me to another incoming call and I pull back to see Juliette’s number. I can’t hide the stupid grin that spreads across my lips when I see her name. She must have received my gift.

“Hey, Denise, sorry, but I have a work call I can’t miss. I’ll call you later.” I hit the END then ACCEPT button, fully ready to have my head ripped off by the oh-so-proper Juliette, but instead, her voice is quivering with fear.

“I—I just got a call, a threat. They threatened Chloe, Alex!Chloe!”I can hear the panic in her voice as she coughs through her tears.

“I’m coming right over. Are you both okay? Alone in the house?” I shoot out of my chair, grabbing my keys, closing my apartment door, and running to my car.

“Y—yes,” she sniffs. “Chloe is in her room, and she doesn’t know anything. I just double-checked the locks on the doors and windows and looked through the security footage. Nobody is or was here.”

“Good girl,” I say, not trying to be condescending, just completely impressed with how she handled the situation. “I’m on my way.” I hang up the phone, tossing it into my passenger seat and flying across town to her house.

“Okay, start from the beginning,” I say as I lean against the kitchen island. Juliette’s thin arms are crossed over her white summery dress that’s dotted with big pink flowers. Her feet are bare, a simple gold chain around her ankle. She looks so delicate, so vulnerable—a stark contrast from the always-in-control powerhouse she normally presents.

“After brunch, I picked up Chloe, then I saw a box on my porch when we got home.” Her eyes dart to mine, pink staining her cheeks when we both realize it was the box from me. “I thought it was another empty box from whoever left the last one there, but we both know,” she smiles for a brief second, “what was in it. Anyway, I received a call and thought it was you. I thought maybe you had been watching the cameras and saw me open the box. I hadn’t saved your number in my phone with your name yet.”

“But you have now, right?” I interrupt and she nods her head.

“So I answered thinking it was you, and it was a voice—a man’s voice—that I didn’t recognize.”

“And he threatened you? And Chloe?”
