Page 66 of The Guardian

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“I can imagine. Any chance we could talk inside?”

She looks back at me and I step out of the way so she can open the door. “Yeah, sure, come on in.”

I feel awkward. Caleb looks at me then back at Juliette.

“Sorry, I’m just in shock. This is Alex,” she says, pointing to me. I hold out my hand toward him.

“Pleasure,” he says with a smile, offering a firm handshake.

“Why don’t we go in the living room?” Juliette gestures and Caleb starts to follow her.

“I’m going to head upstairs so you two can talk.”

“No,” she blurts the word out then smiles. “Why don’t you stay with us?”

“Of course.” I grab her hand and walk to the living room, taking a seat beside her on the couch.

“What brings you to New York?” Juliette asks him.

“Well, I live here now. I moved here about six months ago, working for a hedge fund on Wall Street.”

“Wow, congrats.”

“Thanks. I wanted to get settled and get my place furnished before I came over here. It’s funny, because I pretty much had to stop myself every single day from reaching out to you.”

My stomach doesn’t feel great. It’s more than uncomfortable to sit here and listen to the woman I love’s ex-husband talk about wanting to see her.

“Look, Juliette,” he leans forward in the chair he’s sitting in, “I want to be a part of your life—of Chloe’s life. I know that I messed up. I was selfish and an addict. I’ve been to rehab, and I’ve been clean and sober for over a year now. I want to be the father that Chloe needs.”

“I’m happy for you, Caleb,” Juliette says earnestly, “really, I am. I’m not surprised you’re working on Wall Street, either. You’re incredibly smart and driven. But you can’t just expect to pop back into our lives and be a father to her. You abandoned her, and frankly, she doesn’t even know you.”

“I understand, but if you’ll just give me a chance, I know I can—” Suddenly, he stops and looks over at me. “I’m sorry, but this just feels very uncomfortable discussing our business in front of a complete stranger. Why is he here?”

Juliette grabs my hand when she feels me stir on the couch. “Because I want him here. He’s my partner and I’m not going to keep something like this from him.” Her response takes me by surprise. “And we don’t have business, Caleb. You signed away your parental rights willingly.”

“I know that, Jules, and it haunts me every single day. It really does. I’m just begging for a chance, even to see her, talk to her.”

Silence settles over us. Juliette chews her bottom lip. “I’ll think about it. I’m not agreeing to anything, and I’ll need to talk to your sponsor first.”

“Absolutely, I’ll give you his number right now.” He pulls it up and grabs her phone, typing in the number. “I’m adding mine in there too.”

“Thanks. It’s late . . .” Juliette says and Caleb stands up. She walks him to the front door and I hang back, out of eyesight but still within earshot.

“Who is that guy? Is he living here?”

“I told you, Caleb, he’s my partner and we more or less live together.”

“Well, just be careful, okay? You can’t trust people these days, especially with your kids. Can’t say I love the idea of a strange man sleeping in the same house as my young daughter.”

I can’t take another second, so I walk around the corner. “You have some fucking nerve making a statement like that considering you haven’t even seen your daughter . . . in how many years? . . . because you chose a good time over her.”

“Alex, don’t,” Juliette says, reaching for me, but I don’t stop.

“You don’t even know her favorite book, cartoon, or what she wants to be when she grows up. You’re not even her father anymore. Like Jules said, you willingly signed that right away like a deadbeat piece of shit. You’re just biological source.” I slam the door in his face, his mouth hanging open in shock when I do.

“Alex.” Juliette has a disappointed look on her face.

“He doesn’t deserve a second chance.”
