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She told him.

“This is what you want?” he asked.

Ana nodded. “I would do it myself if there was time. But I have...” She staggered into a desk. Grigor rushed forward, but she stopped him with a head shake. “I have no time to waste, and I need to know what my ancestors knew. What theydid.Because it worked. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked, and there must be a way to do it better.”

“Who will stay with you?” Grigor hovered over her.

“Well, I have all of Fanghelm, don’t I?” She forced a smile, but he didn’t appear fooled. His solemn stare was unwavering. “I’ll befine, Onkel. Ludya will join me once she’s trained the staff. And I’ll be meeting Tyreste after I finish here.”

“I’ll speak with her on my way out,” Grigor muttered. He marched to the door and turned back. “Look to the skies at dusk.”

Ana nodded until he left. When he was gone, she allowed a single, vexing wave of tears, wiped them away, and went to work.

Tyreste’s nerves balanced on a razor-thin edge. He hadn’t expected the Wynter’s secret documents to be in a dungeon, down a long, winding stairway that was far too similar to the one leading down to the place he’d wasted years of his life.

You can leave anytime,he reminded himself, mopping sweat from his brows every few minutes.You chose to come here. This is not that.

The room was far smaller, more cramped than his Reliquary living space. It was practically a closet, the walls lined ceiling to floor with books, stacked in haphazard piles lacking any cohesive organization. Most clearly hadn’t been touched in many years, and when he disturbed the stacks, dust plumed and swirled in the condensed space, sending his sinuses into a tailspin.

He didn’t know what he was looking for. He couldn’t even read half the works, many of which were written, unsurprisingly, in Vjestikaan. Looking back on his suggestion to split up, he realized the foolishness of it. If the answer was in the claustrophobic box he’d willingly locked himself in, he might never find it.

Tyr’s thoughts turned to delirium right as he heard someone descending the staircase, into the vault.

He prepared to inform the scholar he needed more time, but when he turned around, the words died on his tongue.

It wasn’t Haldyr at all, but Adeline.

“What...” He shook his head and signed,What are you doing here?

Addy thrust a note toward him.

He leaned in to read.Your brother will need a Vjestik cipher. I found this one in our library. I only hope it is not too late. You will find him in the vault of Books of All Things, and to get to him, you will need the passcode, which I am writing here, in the language of Old Ilynglass, in case someone other than you reads this.

Addy passed the cipher over. It was more of a journal, wrapped in old leather.

Tyr swallowed hard.Thank you. This will be a great help to me.

To us,Addy signed, tapping the words on her chest for emphasis.I’m not leaving until you do.

Tyr shook his head, but she plopped herself on the floor in between piles of books and grinned.

Perhaps you should tell me what we’re looking for.

Tyr groaned, realizing they could argue the point for hours and he’d still lose.All right, but afterward, you go straight home. Deal?

Addy beamed with excitement.Oh! I almost forgot. A letter came from the Easterlands for you.

And let me guess, you took it upon yourself to read it?

Of course I did. It was from Rhiain. Asterin and Sesto are still on the road, but she said she received your last message, and she understands.

Understands?Tyr signed back.

Adeline frowned and dug into her dress pocket. She withdrew a crinkled wad of vellum.She understands...Her eyes scanned the paper.Here we are.I understand you’ve exhausted your efforts and appreciate them.

Let me see that.Tyr took the paper and read it himself. Seeing Rhiain’s lovely scrawl choked him up. “If Asterin were here, he would release you to return to your other projects, but since he is not, I will say it. One last thing...” Tyr wiped his eyes on his sleeve. “Be happy. With love.”

He dropped the letter and breathed deep. If only she knew... If only they all knew everything that had happened since Asterin and Sesto had slid the stack of correspondence across his table.
