Page 149 of Rebel Heart

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I’d only seen the church like this maybe a dozen times in my life, and I smiled now at seeing it like this again. The traditional wedding decorations were a sacred part of the ceremony, and they had been one of the rare, exciting occasions in an otherwise dull life.

My excitement dimmed when I took in the man standing at the altar, dressed in his finest clothes.

Brother Josiah.

Our gazes met, and instantly, my skin crawled with revulsion.

Everything about him reminded me of Caleb.

His blue eyes looked sweet and innocent, but behind them, there was a darkness I’d come to know all too well.

A shudder rolled down my spine even thinking about a woman standing up there, reciting the marriage vows that promised to love and serve a man who had evil in his eyes.

“Brother Josiah is getting married?” I asked in a hushed voice. “To who?”

My mother’s grip on me tightened. “To you, Kara. He’s chosen you to be his wife.”

