Page 71 of Rebel Heart

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The thought squeezed my heart uncomfortably. “I know we’re playing with fire, but…”

“You don’t want to stop.”

I grimaced. “I want a family. I never really thought about it until you went and got yourself knocked up, but shit, Dis. I really freaking don’t want to be alone.”

She hugged me close. “You lost your mom. Maybe now isn’t the best time to be making big decisions like that.”

I nodded. She was right. “Someday, though…”

She leaned back against the car. “Someday we’ll have a swing set and a slide installed in that corner of the clubhouse right there. And War will push our kids too high.”

I grinned at the idea. “And Fang will stand on the other side, ready to catch them if they go flying off.”

She squeezed my fingers. “I can’t wait for that. But it doesn’t have to be now.”

“I know. You’re right. There’re so many other things we need to sort out first.”

Fang and Kian and Vaughn walked toward us in a line, the three of them happily chatting about something. I didn’t hear what, but it didn’t matter.

Happiness settled over me at the sight of the men I loved.

Vaughn screwed his face up at me as he approached. “Why are you gazing at us like the emoji with the love hearts for eyes?”

I could always count on him to ruin the moment.

“Anyone want to go flash their tits at the guitarist?” I asked chirpily in retaliation.

Bliss was apparently the only one who found that funny.



The venue attendant opened the door to the box that sat in prime position to the side of the stage. I pushed past the others and ran to the glass doors, letting myself out onto the balcony beyond. “Holy fucking shit. When Kara flashes her tits at the guitarist, we’re so close she might even squirt milk on his head!”

Kara went tomato red. “I already told you. I’m not doing that.”

But her mouth turned up a little at the corner, and I shot her a wink.

Nova strode by her more conservative friend and joined me on the balcony. She yanked her shirt up and shook her ta-tas toward the stage. There was no band on it yet, but there were a few catcalls from some other concertgoers who were early like we were.

Nova and I collapsed into laughter, leaning on each other as we stumbled back inside the box.

“I love your sister, Kara.” Nova flopped down onto a couch.

Nova had been drinking, but not so many she was drunk. When Kara smiled, I knew she was thinking the same thing I was. It was nice to see Nova and the other women letting loose. They deserved it after everything they’d been through.

Music played through the speakers in our box, and we all homed in on the food heaped on a side table, while our own private bartender poured us beer and wine and cocktails that Vivienne was busily sucking down like they were juice.

I had the bartender make me one too, and took a gulping sip from my straw, closing my eyes in pleasure when the fruity flavor exploded across my tongue. Even still, there was a distinct kick of alcohol too, and I eyed the bartender. “How many shots in this?”


Yep, I’d be nicely tipsy by the time the band came on. Which, frankly, was the best way to take in a concert in my humble opinion. I gave the bartender a high five for his good work.

“Keep ’em coming,” Vaughn told him, sidling up beside me. “That goes for everyone. Open bar.” He pushed his credit card over to the bartender.

He put it inside his register. “You got it.”
