Page 38 of Redemption

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I’m Kerry before Christian, and Kerry after Christian.

I hate him. And I don’t.

And I’m absolutely terrified. Did he survive? Is he out there somewhere?

Who will come for me, and when?



“You’re built like a rock, Christian. Like one of those ancient ones. Grand Canyon. Indestructible.”

I blink against the harsh light.

Carmen’s voice. Carmen Payne. Salvatore’s baby mama in the weirdest arrangement you can think of.

“Grand Canyon is the absence of rocks,” I grit out. “It’s why they call it canyon. What the fuck, they putyouon watch duty?”

“Ay Dios mio. As charming as ever. I’m no more pleased than you are.” Despite all her years in the States, she still has a sexy-as-hell Spanish accent, the Colombian beauty by my side.

I scoff. I shouldn’t have done that. Pain shoots through my chest, making me cough.

“What day is it?” I gasp.


I try to think, try to remember what day it was when I tried to… tried to kill Kerry. Thursday. It was fucking Thursday!

“Have I been out five days?”

“Mm… more or less.”

“What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

“You have the strongest need for control I’ve ever seen. You’ve been awake even though you were unconscious. Your eyes have been open. You’ve freaked me out.”

“Don’t I always freak you out?”

She doesn’t answer.

Carmen isn’t overly fond of any of us. She’s the doting mom of David, and apart from that she stays the hell away from the Salvatore organization. She hates everything we do, what we stand for, but she’s loyal to the last bone to her son, and honors the agreement with his father.

“Who did you piss off to end up with me?”

She sighs. “We’ve taken turns. I ran out of luck.”

“Yeah. Fine. Tell someone else to get here. Eric. Ivan. Someone I can talk to.”

“I love you too, you arrogant piece of shit.”

I close my eyes. The scraping sound of the chair when she stands assaults my ears and I grit my teeth. When I’m alone, I drift back into blessed sleep.

“Chris, you awake?”

I jolt and open my eyes. Nathan.

“They pulled you from whatever corner of the world you had holed up in?”
