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“Copy that,” Susannah replied.

“Susannah, check this out,” the familiar voice of Sam Goodwin said.

Susannah’s body camera turned in that direction and she, along with everyone in the conference room, saw what Sam had noticed. On the screen of the small television in the corner of the room was something written in what looked to be lipstick.

Susannah moved closer, and Jessie was able to read the words:Too late. See you soon, Jessie. It will be a blast! ***

Something about the way that line was written, all the way down to the punctuation, sent a shiver up Jessie’s spine. If Haddonfield knew they were coming and had time to leave a message, what else did he have time to do? A sinking feeling came over her as she leaned into Ryan’s mic.

“Susannah,” she said quickly. “Check to see if there are any wires near the front door. Do it fast.”

She watched as the detective’s body camera moved quickly back to the entrance. Even before she spoke, Jessie could see the problem.

“There’s a wire above the door. It leads to the pantry closet,” Susannah said, opening the pantry door.

Staring back at her on the top shelf was what looked like a pipe bomb. Connected to it was a cheap timer, which was counting down and currently read: 00:14.

“Explosive device!” Susannah shouted. “Timer is active! Everyone out!”

Jessie watched on the conference room monitor as a dozen body cameras began jostling at once, each of them showing the same thing: people desperately trying to get away from the bomb. She focused on Susannah, who was ordering everyone out and was last to leave the apartment. As she turned to make her escape, Jessie caught one last glimpse of the timer: it was at 03.

Exactly three seconds later, there was a deafening noise, and the entire screen went black.

“Susannah!” Jessie shouted. “Susannah, can you hear me? Detective Valentine, please respond!”

There was no answer.
